
AuthorDeandra M. Grant/Kimberly Griffin Tucker
– A –
Absorption. See Alcohol Absorption
Accident Report
Form of, Form 2–3
Administrative license revocation(s), §3:177
Email/letter to client, Form 1–34
Expunction of DWI arrest(s), §12:21. See also
Expunction of DWI Arrest(s)
Administrative License Revocation(s)
Generally, §3:01
Acquittals, §3:177
Administrative Law Judge’s role, §3:02
Appeal of decisions
DPS appeals, §3:175
petition for appeal, §3:174; Form 3–9
standard of review, §3:170
stay of suspension pending, §3:176
transcript for appeal, §3:173
when to file, §3:171
where to file, §3:172
Arrest of client
actual arrest, existence of, §3:132
attacking elements of case, §§3:130–3:134
Attorney-issued subpoenas, §§3:90–3:92
Blood-test cases, attacking, §3:134
Breath tests
attacking .08 or greater BAC result, §3:134
involuntary consent to, §3:124
Burden of proof
documents-only proof, §3:122
failure cases, §3:124
refusal cases, §3:123
Change of venue, §§3:62–3:64; Forms 3–5, 3–6
Continuances, §§3:51, 3:52, 3:112; Forms 3–4,
Denial of suspension, §3:164
DESK subpoenas, §§3:90–3:92; Form 3–7
DIC-24, §3:32
generally, §3:33
and blood tests, §3:34
generally, §1:40
hearing for discovery purposes, use of,
§§3:20, 3:150–3:152
requests for discovery, §§1:40, 3:70–3:71
response to requests, §3:72
District attorney file, §2:34
Docket sheet, Form 1–4
DIC-24, §3:32
DIC-25, §§3:33, 3:34
proof of case with, §3:122
to request from client, §3:31
subpoenas duce tecum, Form 3–8
Elements of case(s)
attacking, §§3:130–3:134
burden of proof, above
failure cases, §3:124
refusal cases, §3:123
Emails/letters to clients
attached documents, with, Form 1–11
loss email/letter, Form 1–12
notification of client of date of hearing,
Form 1–10
win email/letter, Form 1–12
Enhanced penalties, §3.12
Failure cases, elements of, §3:124
I-2 Texas DWI Manual
Grant of suspension, §3:160
burden of proof, above
continuance of, §§3:51, 3:52, 3:112; Forms
3–4, 3–5
deadline for requesting, §3:03
discovery, use for purposes of, §§3:20,
educating the client about, §§3:30–3:34
failure of defense to appear at, §3:53
“5-day” reset, §3:50; Form 3–3
HGN test question for, §5:50
location of, §3:04
Notice of Hearing letter, §3:120
notification of client of date, §1:41; Form
preparation of client for, §1:41
request for, §1:40, §§3:50–3:53; Forms 3–1,
resetting, §§3:50–3:53
by telephone, §3:61
venue for, §§3:60–3:64
witnesses, below
Importance of, §§3:20, 3:21
Initial client interview(s), §1:23
Occupational Driver’s License
counseling, suspension for failure to attend,
notice to state, §§4:80-4:81
suspension period chart, Form 4–5
venue for suspensions by administrative
order, §4:91
“Paperwork wins,” §§3:140, 3:141
Pleading errors, §3:121
Refusal cases, elements of, §3:123
Reinstatement fee, §3:02
Resetting the hearing, §§3:50–3:53
Rules and procedures, §3:05
SOAH-issued subpoenas, §§3:100–3:102
Stay of suspension pending appeal, §3:176
Subpoenaing witnesses
continuances, impact of, §3:112
DESK subpoenas, §§3:90–3:92; Form 3–7
failure of service, §3:110
failure of witness to appear, §3:111
knowledge of procedure, importance of, §3:82
necessity of, §3:80
SOAH-issued subpoenas, §§3:100–3:102
who should be subpoenaed, §3:81
Subpoenas duces tecum, Form 3–8
Suspension periods
for adults, §3:161
enhanced, §3:162
for minors, §3:163
ODL chart, Form 4–7
Technicalities, winning on, §§3:140, 3:141
Telephone hearings, §3:61
Temporary driving permit(s)
generally, §3:33
and blood tests, §3:34
Traffic stop, attacking, §§3:130, 3:131
Venue, §§3:60–3:64
extra, §3:124
statutory compliance, §3:32
subpoenaing witnesses, above
Blood draws/tests
chain-of-custody affidavit, objection to,
Form 7–13
search warrant, affidavit supporting, §§7:33,
7:41, 7:43–7:45
Court file, review of, §2:42
Criminal complaints. See Complaint(s)
New trial hearing, affidavits in lieu of, §11:127
Attorney fees, Form 1–2
Alcohol Absorption
Alcohol curve, §8:10
Calculation of, §8:20
Elimination rates, §8:13

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