
AuthorStewart Edelstein
admissions . See requests
for admissions
“adversary,” etymology of, 42
advertising, eth ical issues of, 256,
265. See also marketing
affidavits, 76
affir mative defenses, draf ting,
76–78, 206–207
Albom, Mit ch, 304–305
American Arbitration
Association (AAA)
arbitration costs, 151, 152
arbitrator selection, 151
Commercial A rbitration
Ru les, 145–147, 14 8–149
confidentiality, 157
Drafting Dispute Resolution
Clauses: A Practical
Guide, 147
mediators, 134
American Bar A ssociation
on career satisfact ion, 270
contact information, 236
Model Rules of Professional
Conduct (see ethical is sues)
American Law I nstitute, 236
American Legal Ethics Library,
Cornell Law School, 236
answers, draf ting, 76–78, 206–207
arbitration and, 148
preserving issues for, 226–227
appellate court arguments,
178 –18 2
appellate court briefs,
drafti ng, 88–89
appellate review, excluding
expert testi mony and, 220
appellate rights, 230–231
arbitration, 145–160
advantages and
di sadv anta ges, 147–148
arbitrability issues, 149–150
arbitration clause
revi ew, 148 –149
arbitrator selection, 151
awards r endered , 157–158
checklist, 159–160
commencement of
proceeding, 152
Commercial A rbitration Rules
(American A rbitration
As sociat ion) , 145–147
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