
AuthorBarry E. Hill
Page 983
Administr ative Procedure Act (APA), 270, 552, 585, 590-91, 759, 926
aected communities, se e impacted communities
Agency for Toxic Substances and Disea se Registry (ATSDR), 92, 103, 105, 260, 332, 384, 859, 914, 933, 949-50
American Ba r Association (ABA), 7, 11-12, 293, 383, 465-66, 470, 581, 809-11, 813-17, 820
anti-discrimi natory law approach, 11, 488-90, 494
Arkansa s, 11, 35, 43, 110, 236, 308, 342-44, 825-26
Asian Pacic Environ mental Network, 718-19, 735, 738
asthma, 64 , 97, 110, 113, 117, 121, 126, 163-64, 170-71, 187, 210, 253, 306-07, 334-35, 337-78, 382, 410, 414-
15, 454, 456, 476, 484, 647, 653-55, 659, 690, 722, 738, 821, 838, 840, 856, 882, 952, 956, 973
attorneys’ fees, 174, 590, 705, 736-37, 754, 760, 808
Austin, Regina , 26, 206, 212
Bay Area Rapid Transit, 633, 637-38, 640
Bayview Hunters Point, 881-86
Been, Vicki, 292, 342
best available control tech nology (BACT), 55-56, 71, 75-76, 82, 449, 627
best available tech nology, 365
Bethel New Life, 465, 477-80, 890
Briggum, Sue, 256-57, 889-90, 899
Browner, EPA Administrator Carol M., 314, 387, 543, 569, 574-75, 592, 814
brownelds, 12, 17, 262-63, 265, 267, 269, 311, 358, 370-71, 402, 414-15, 419, 422, 425, 430, 469, 473, 475-77,
568, 837-39
buer zone, 38-39, 41-42, 183, 217, 332, 519, 837, 953
Bullard, Robert , 15, 18, 26-28, 46- 48, 206-09, 211, 228, 230, 236, 239-40, 384, 488, 491, 914
Bunyan, Bryant, 15-16, 26, 211, 228, 384
Bureau of Census, 239
Bureau of Indian A airs, 750-51
Bush, George H.W., 11, 211, 383
Bush, George W., 11, 383, 407
Business Network for Environmenta l Justice (BNEJ), 12, 406, 617, 621-22, 809, 864-69, 872-77, 890, 897
California , 11, 25, 27-28, 35, 46, 76, 90, 108, 110, 113, 142, 162-76, 178-80, 182-99, 208, 212-13, 216, 256,
270-75, 277, 279-80, 287-91, 294, 299, 308, 362-67, 370-73, 378-80, 409-10, 449, 476, 500-03, 513, 516-
17, 547, 586-87, 591, 593, 614, 619, 630-31, 634, 643, 645, 660, 664-65, 668, 678-80, 683-87, 696-97, 700,
702, 718-20, 723-27, 729-34, 737-38, 740-41, 745, 748, 812, 816, 818, 837, 841, 850, 862, 881-83, 887, 891-
93, 895, 897-98, 901-02, 905-06, 917, 966
California C ommunities Aga inst Toxics, 696-97
California Energ y Commission (CEC), 270-71, 277, 279, 283-84
California Environmental Qua lity Act (CEQA), 181, 270-71, 274-75, 280 -91, 364, 678-80, 683-85, 696-98,
700-02, 719-21, 723-24, 726-41, 743-47, 749-50, 892
cancer alle y, 50, 206, 231, 233, 235, 575, 578, 926
census tract s, 29-30, 39, 42, 112, 117, 408, 446, 511, 521, 525, 974
Center for Biological Diversity, 163, 193, 270, 283, 286, 289, 739-40, 742
Cerrell Assoc iates, 27
Chavis, Benjamin, 9, 14-15, 18, 22, 49-50, 220, 223, 811
citizen participat ion, 33, 109-10, 114-15, 230, 270, 340, 477
citizen suits, 215, 247-48, 251, 336, 712, 841, 845, 896, 969

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