
AuthorKenneth P. Nolan
adaptation, lawyer need for. See
changing times, adapting to
adversaries, attitude toward, 168–69
abilities, denigration of, 169
demonizing of, 168
hatred of, 168
respect toward, need for, 169
adversity, dealing with, 12
advertising legal services, 194
Ali, Muhammad, 194
alternative dispute resolution, 94
“American Idol,” 106
Ashcroft, John, 137, 139
Bailey, F. Lee, 100
Banks, Ernie, 191
Baron, Jim, 12
Biden, Joe, 173
Bin Laden, Osama, 140
Boston College, 153, 174
Boyce, Pamela C., 148
Brin, Sergey, 154
Brunton, Vinny, 136
Bruyette, Keefe, 139
Buffett, Warren, 164
Bush, George W., 140
business, acquiring, 17–21
be different, 21
clothing choices, 19
community meetings, attending,
contacts, making, 19
image considerations, 18
lecture and write, 21
networking, 20
organizational memberships, 20
professionalism, importance of, 19
promotional materials, 19–20
proofreading communications, 20
success, conveying, 19
Cantor Fitzgerald, 139, 142
Carlin, George, 43
Carrey, Jim, 192
case knowledge, importance of, 6–7
Casey, Kathleen Hunt, 148
changing times, adapting to, 117–20
animation, use of, 120
communication speed, drawbacks
of, 118
demonstrative evidence, impact
on, 120
Facebook, use of, 119
immediacy, addiction to, 118
Internet, use of, 119–20
trial planning, impact on, 120
words, declining importance of,
Cirrito, Nancy, 33
civil cases
juries, defendant aversion to, 33
juries, plaintiff preference for, 33
clients, cultivating, 18
Clifford, Bob, 137
Clinton, Bill, 80, 107, 140
closing arguments, 103–09
adversary's promise, evaluating,
aggressiveness, value of, 106
appreciation, expressing, 110
credibility, importance of, 108
crucial testimony, emphasizing,
demonstrative evidence, use of,

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