Jurisdiction | North Carolina |
Abrahamson, Shirley S.
In the Interest of Jerrell C.J., 157-60 State v. Shomberg, 139-40
Ackerman, Harold A. (Tucker v. Palmer), 60-64
adjudication process. See Guilty pleas; Trials and contributing factors to wrongful convictions
affirmative defense, burden of persuasion and, 54-55
Albin, Barry T. (State v. Herrera), 119-20
Alexander, Lamar, 585
Alford pleas, 153, 510-19
Alito, Samuel
District Attorney's Office for the Third Judicial District v. Osborne, 263-70
Holmes v. South Carolina, 468-71
Alvarado, Michael, 194
American Bar Association, 420, 427
American Psychology and Law Society eyewitness identification reforms, 112-13 recorded interrogations reforms, 204
Anderson, Riley (Workman v. State), 579-80
Anti-Terrorism and Effective Death Penalty Act of 1996, 72
appellate review
deference to findings of fact in, 66
sufficiency of evidence in, 55-66
arrest, decision to, 22-29
attorneys. See Defense counsel; Prosecutors
Banks, Delma Jr., 410
Banks, J. (Corbin v. State), 58
Barker, William M. (Workman v. State), 582-84
Barkett, Rosemary (Troy Davis case), 83-84
Battaglia, Lynne A. (Clemons v. State), 347-52
Beam, Arlen (Wilson v. Lawrence County), 150-53
Bean, Ralph, 95-96
Bedau-Radelet study on innocence, 11-12
Behrendt, Paul, 94
Bell, Robert M. (Moore v. State), 310-11
Bender, Michael L. (People v. Medina), 472-80
Berdon, Robert I.
State v. Griffin, 560-65
State v. Porter, 335-36, 338
Bibbins, Gene, 347
Bingham, Thomas (Regina v. CCRC ex parte Pearson), 589
Birch, Adolpho A. (Workman v. State), 584
bite marks, 354-60
Black, Hugo (Thompson v. Louisville), 55
Blackmun, Harry
Arizona v. Youngblood, 235-37
Bordenkircher v. Hayes, 508
Herrera v. Collins, 81-83
Manson v. Brathwaite, 98-101, 104
Nichols v. United States, 286
United States v. Ash, 106-11
United States v. Bagley, 218
Blackstone, 54
Blanton, Ray, 585
Bloodsworth, Kirk, 4, 8
Boehm, Theodore R. (Norris v. State), 516-18
Boorn, Jesse, 3-4, 7, 141
Boorn, Stephen, 3-4, 7, 141
Borchard, Edwin, 18
Borden, David M. (State v. Porter), 321-35
Bradley, Ann Walsh (In the Interest of Jerrell C.J.), 154-57
Brady doctrine, 231. (See also Brady v. Maryland; Kyles v. Whitley in Table of Cases)
Brathwaite criteria, 104
Brennan, William J. Jr.
Brady v. United States, 502-4
Colorado v. Connelly, 148-49, 150
Kirby v. Illinois, 96-97
North Carolina v. Alford, 513-14
In re Winship, 49-51, 53
Scott v. Illinois, 283-85
United States v. Wade, 93-94
Breyer, Stephen (Van de Kamp v. Goldstein), 411-16
bribery of public officials and witnesses, 392-400
Brow, Katharina, 601
Brown, Troy, 378-83
Buckey, Peggy McMartin, 454
Buckey, Raymond, 454
Buckley, Stephen, 38, 315-16
bullets lead analysis, comparative, 347-54
Burger, Warren, 95
dissent in Brewer v. Williams, 7
Giglio v. United States, 408-9
Burke, Edmond W. (Stephan v. State), 197-201
Bush, George H. W., 399
Bush, George W., 504, 578-79
Cabranes, José A. (United States v. Quinones [Quinones III]), 530-33
Cady, Mark (State v. McCoy), 592-95
Callahan, Robert (State v. Griffin), 553-60
Calogero, Pascal F. (Gibson v. State), 27-28
capital cases. See Death penalty cases
Carona, Deborah, 437-40
Carona, Michael, 437-40
Carter, Debra Sue, 361
Caruso, Francesco, 5-7, 8
Center for Public Integrity, 231
Central Park Jogger case, 160
Chambers, Tom (State v. Lord), 448-49
child witnesses, 452-61
"Christian burial speech," 7
Ciparick, Carmen B. (Warney v. State), 603-5
Clay, Eric L. (Moldowan v. City of Warren), 242-49
clemency. See Executive clemency
"Clever Hans" effect, 124-25n
Clinton, Bill, 571
Coats, Robert (Vent v. State), 205-7
Coles, Sylvester "Red," 83
Colvin, Russell, 3-4, 7, 141
commutation, 570
comparative bullet lead analysis, 347-54
compensation for wrongfully convicted, 590-605
compliant false confessions, 141, 142
confessions. See False confessions; Voluntariness of confessions
confidence statement, 113
confirmation bias. See Tunnel vision
Connick, Harry, 46
Convicting the Innocent, 18
conviction integrity units, 231
Cordy, Robert J. (Guzman v. Commonwealth), 596-600
corporeal identifications. See Line-ups and show-ups
Cotton, Ronald, 122. (See also Tegoseak v. State in Table of Cases)
counsel. See Defense counsel; Prosecutors
Court of Last Resort, The, 18
courtroom spectators, 443-52
Cowans, Stephan, 346-47
Craig, (Dodd v. State), 425
crime laboratories. See Forensics laboratories
Criminal Cases Review Commission (CCRC), 588
criminal justice process, 21-87
habeas corpus and free-standing claims of innocence, 71-86
participants and decision points in, 21
police and arrest decision, 22-29
post-conviction review, 66-71
proof beyond reasonable doubt in criminal trial, 48-55
prosecutor's decisions, 29-48
sufficiency of evidence in appellate review, 55-66
Cruise, Walter, 237
Cruz, Rolando, 38, 316
Dalianis, Linda S. (State v. Whittaker), 293-98
damages. See Compensation for wrongfully convicted
Danzinger, Richard, 504-5
Daubert test, 320-21, 336-37
criticism, 337
misunderstanding of, 337
State v. Porter, 321-36
Davis, Troy, 83-86
death penalty. See also Executions
Illinois Commission recommendations on, 552
Maryland statute on, 536
death penalty cases, 521-68
death-qualified juries and, 553-67
decline in, 567
informant testimony in, 420-22
Quinones I, II, and III, 522-36
in Supreme Court, 536-52
wrongful conviction in, 17
Death Penalty Information Center (DPIC)
clemency, 571
criteria for innocence, 10-11
innocence list, 230
death-qualified juries, 553-67
jury selection and, 566
studies on, 567
defendant, testimony on prior convictions of, 461-67
affirmative, 54-55
court-appointed experts and, 300-13
"wrong person," 471
defense attorney's fallacy, 383
defense counsel, 279-314
court-appointed, 280-88
ineffective, 288-300
deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA). See DNA analysis
Deskovic, Jeffrey, 590
Dickson, Brent E. (Norris v. State), 515-16
DNA analysis, 17-18
admissibility of, 368-84
match statistics and, 369-77, 384
mitochondrial, 367
post-conviction access to, 257-76, 579
prosecutor's fallacy and, 378-84
reference sources on misuse of, 383-84
reference sources on, 375
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