Incentivizing supplier participation in buyer innovation: Experimental evidence of non‐optimal contractual behaviors

Published date01 January 2018
AuthorTingting Yan,Dina Ribbink,Hubert Pun
Date01 January 2018
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Journal of Operations Management
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Incentivizing supplier participation in buyer innovation: Experimental
evidence of non-optimal contractual behaviors
Tingting Yan
, Dina Ribbink
, Hubert Pun
Mike Ilitch School of Business, Wayne State University, Detroit, MI, USA
College of Business, Oregon State University, Bend, OR, USA
Ivey Business School, Western University Canada, London, ON, Canada
Accepted by: Dr. Daniel R Guide
Behavioral experiment
Contract design
New product development (NPD)
Risk aversion
Supplier involvement
Original equipment manufacturers increasingly involve suppliers in new product development (NPD) projects.
How companies design a contract to motivate supplier participation is an important but under-examined em-
pirical question. Analytical studies have started to examine the optimal contract that aligns buyer-supplier in-
centives in joint NPD projects, but empirical evidence is scarce about the actual contracts oered by buying
companies. Bridging the analytical and empirical literature, this paper compares optimal contracting derived
from a parsimonious analytical model with actual behaviors observed in an experiment. In particular, we focus
on how project uncertainty, buying company eort share, and buyer risk aversion inuence three contractual
decisions: total investment level, revenue share and xed fee. Our results indicate signicant dierences be-
tween the optimal and actual behaviors. We identify various types of non-optimal contractual behaviors, which
we explain from a risk aversion as well as a bounded rationality perspective. Overall, our ndings contribute to
the literature by showing that (1) the actual contractual behaviors could dier signicantly from the optimal
ones, (2) the actual contract design is sensitive to changes in project uncertainty and buying company eort
share, and (3) the signicant roles of risk aversion and bounded rationality in explaining the non-optimal
contractual behaviors.
1. Introduction
Original equipment manufacturers (OEM) are more and more re-
lying on suppliers for innovations. In a 2015 CAPS research survey,
83% of responding companies either had or were planning to have
formal supplier innovation programs in place so as to capture valuable
ideas and information from suppliers (Jennings, 2015). However, there
is mixed empirical evidence regarding the eectiveness of supplier in-
volvement for enhancing buying company NPD performance (Primo
and Amundson, 2002). To explain why, the empirical literature has
mostly focused on pre-contract strategies, such as supplier base ratio-
nalization, supplier integration, supplier selection (Petersen et al.,
2005), or post-contact tactics, such as supplier involvement timing,
supplier design responsibility, or project execution (Parker et al., 2008;
Yan and Dooley, 2014). Relatively less attention has been focused on
the contracting process that the buying company uses to motivate
supplier participation, which seems to imply an assumption: a supplier
is always willing to participate in buyer innovation projects irrespective
of the contract. This assumption is problematic because a supplier, as an
autonomous organization, could reject a buying company's oer that is
either too risky or does not produce enough return for the supplier,
especially when the supplier possesses valuable resources for buying
company innovation (Barney, 2012). Of the few empirical studies that
examine contract design in innovation, the focus has been on com-
paring the eectiveness of xed-price and exible contracts (cost
sharing or performance based) in various task contexts (Carson et al.,
2006; Gefen et al., 2008; Gopal and Koka, 2010; Gopal and
Sivaramakrishnan, 2008). However, even if a certain type of contract
performs better from a buying rm perspective, that does not mean a
supplier necessarily sees the value of the contract and ultimately ac-
cepts the contract. Therefore, one empirical question still remains un-
answered: how does a buying company determine contractual para-
meters (i.e., xed fee, revenue share, etc.) when motivating a supplier
to accept the contract in a joint NPD context?
The analytical contract management literature has extensively stu-
died contractual coordination in a buyer-supplier production context.
The focus of this stream of work is on the design of a contract, specied
by parameters, such as revenue share, xed fee, investment levels,
Received 14 March 2016; Received in revised form 13 November 2017; Accepted 18 December 2017
Corresponding author.
All authors contributed equally to the paper.
E-mail addresses: (T. Yan), (D. Ribbink), (H. Pun).
Journal of Operations Management 57 (2018) 36–53
Available online 16 February 2018
0272-6963/ © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
quantity discounts, that maximize supply chain utility by aligning
buyer and supplier incentives (Cachon, 2003). Within this stream of
work, there is an emerging set of studies that examines contractual
coordination in an inter-rm joint innovation context, which represents
a more tacit and uncertain knowledge exchange context when com-
pared to the traditional product exchange settings (Yan and Kull, 2015).
Most of these studies assume risk-neutral decision makers, which has
been shown to be unrealistic. Decision makers are generally risk averse
according to the decision making under uncertainty literature (March
and Shapira, 1987). In particular, a risk averse decision maker prefers a
certain prot to a risky prot, even when the certain and risky prots
have the same expected value (Gan et al., 2011). In fact, Ülkü et al.
(2007) points out that by not negotiating on risk, parties leave money
on the table(p.238). Given the possible inuences of risk-sensitivity on
contractual designs, it is necessary to see how buyer risk aversion in-
uences the contractual design, particularly, in a highly uncertain
supply chain context, such as a joint new product development project
(Ülkü et al., 2007). In addition, very few optimalcontractual beha-
viors specied in the analytical NPD literature have been empirically
validated. By saying contractual behaviors, we refer to the relation-
ship between a contractual parameter and a contextual variable, or how
a particular contractual decision, such as xed fee, changes in relation
to changes in a contextual variable, such as project uncertainty, eort
split, and buyer risk aversion. Given the fact that decision makers have
individual biases (i.e. risk aversion) and bounded rationality, it is im-
portant to examine whether a buying company decision maker, shor-
tened as buyer hereafter, behaves optimally when oering a contract to
a supplier, and if not, how and why the actual behavior diers from the
optimal one (Simon, 1982).
To ll the above literature gaps, we adopt a multi-method approach
to examine how a buyer designs a contract to motivate supplier parti-
cipation in a NPD project. Specically, we want to answer two ques-
tions: (1) How do the characteristics of a NPD project context and risk
aversion of a buyer inuence the optimal and actual contractual behaviors?
(2) Do the actual contractual behaviors of a buyer match the optimal ones?
If not, why? We chose to focus on two contextual characteristics of an
inter-organizational NPD context, project uncertainty and buyer-sup-
plier eort split, which help dierentiate a buyer-supplier NPD context
from a mass production context. Unlike a mass production context
which is usually about existing products, a NPD task faces signicant
uncertainty because the new technology used for developing the pro-
duct could fail or the newly developed product may not perform well in
the market. Buying company eort share is another critical contextual
factor. In a mass production context, a supplier usually does the com-
plete job (100% supplying company eort share) in order to get com-
pensated by a buyer nancially. In contrast, in a joint NPD project, a
buyer and a supplier could share the total development eorts, usually
in a way that is determined by the nature of the technology involved
and the skill sets of the two rms (Bhaskaran and Krishnan, 2009).
We answer the two questions by adopting a multi-method approach.
To answer the rst question, we set up a mathematical model to see
how the two contextual variables and buyer risk aversion inuence the
optimal contract design (Wacker, 1998). In particular, we focus on the
total cost and the transferrable payment of a typical buyer-supplier
contract, which is characterized by three contractual parameters (Katok
and Wu, 2009; Zhang et al., 2016). To capture the cost aspect, we look
at the investment level (the rst parameter) that the buying company
and the supplier together need to commit to the project. Regarding the
transferrable payment between the two rms, we focus on revenue
share (the second parameter) and xed fee (the third parameter), which
are two typical ways for the two rms to share revenue and cost from
the joint eort (Cachon, 2003). Then we run a behavioral experiment to
test hypotheses derived from the math model. By comparing the
mathematical and experimental results, we answer the second research
This study contributes to the literature in two ways. First, we con-
tribute to the supplier involvement in NPD literature by examining how
project uncertainty, buying company eort share and buyer risk aver-
sion inuence the optimal as well as actual contractual designs. Second,
we contribute to the behavioral operations management literature by
explaining the dierences between the mathematical and experimental
results. In particular, we focus on two possible mechanisms to explain
non-optimal behaviors: (1) risk aversion, a type of individual biases,
which changes the utility functions to include not only the expected
prot but also a risk premium (Katok and Wu, 2009), and (2) bounded
rationality, or the fact that decision makers want to maximize their
expected prot, but make errors in doing so (Kahneman et al., 1982).
2. Literature review
There is abundant empirical evidence about benets of involving
suppliers in an OEM's NPD process. Suppliers contribute to buyers'
product innovation eorts in a wide variety of ways. One major benet
can be a more ecient development process (Kessler et al., 2000),
better product quality (McGinnis and Vallopra, 1999), and improved
product manufacturability (Swink, 1999). When engaged in the process
at the right time with an appropriate level of design responsibility,
suppliers contribute to the success of a buyer's NPD project by providing
access to advanced technology, helping understand design feasibility,
improving translation of customer requirements into manufacturing
specications (Parker et al., 2008). More recent NPD studies start to
show challenges of managing suppliers in a buyer's innovation process
(Yan and Dooley, 2014; Yan and Kull, 2015). The diculty of in-
tegrating two highly dierentiated groups suggests the possibility of
inecient process and low-quality designs (Yan and Dooley, 2013).
Furthermore, a buying company might involve suppliers that are nei-
ther willing nor capable to undertake collaborative NPD, which might
force buyers to spend limited project resources to motivate or develop
suppliers and thus deter project progress (Lawson et al., 2014). To
safeguard against these risks, the literature emphasizes a collaborative
buyer-supplier relationship as well as utilizing contractual governance
(Wang et al., 2011).
Most of these empirical studies, however, examine activities or
problems that happen after a supplier agrees to participate in a buying
company NPD project. Not much attention has been given to the con-
tracting process that is used to motivate supplier participation through
aligning buyer-supplier incentives. Some empirical work, however,
does allude to the importance of contract management in an innovation
context: MacCormack and Mishra (2015) show the signicant inuence
of contract choices on the relationship between partner integration and
alliance performance, while Ederer and Manso (2013) nd that exible
contracts within a rm provide the greatest incentives for employees to
innovate when compared to xed-fee and pay-by-performance con-
tracts. There are also few studies that examine the eectiveness of xed
price, cost/material sharing, and performance-based contracts vary in
dierent outsourcing contexts (Gefen et al., 2008; Gopal and Koka,
2010; Gopal and Sivaramakrishnan, 2008). Finally, the literature also
showed that relational governance complement formal contract in more
ambiguous, uncertain and complex innovation contexts (Carson et al.,
2006; Mani et al., 2012).
However, one empirical question remains unanswered: how does a
buying company determine contractual parameters (i.e., xed fee,
revenue share, etc.) for aligning buyer-supplier incentives in a joint
NPD context? Disparate incentives, if not aligned, could demotivate the
participation of a capable supplier and/or cause the involvement of an
incapable supplier (adverse selection), and even if the supplier agrees to
get involved, could induce supplier opportunism (moral hazard), a
Although our model is built to study buyer-supplier NPD, it could be generalized to
any inter-organizational collaboration context where two parties jointly complete a
highly uncertain task.
T. Yan et al. Journal of Operations Management 57 (2018) 36–53

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