IMA Financial Group.

AuthorLewis, David
PositionFINANCIAL SERVICES - Brief article

DENVER-BASED IMA FINANCIAL GROUP WON TOP Company 2012 honors by scoring the business equivalent of a triple crown.


Rivals for Colorado's most competitive business honor, Top Company 2012 must evince their best-in-class supremacy in three critical categories: financial performance, whole hearted community involvement, amid outstanding achievement in innovation, operatic ms. marketing or other key accomplishments.

IMA's financial performance: Company revenue is up 16 percent the first eight months of this year, says IMA Financial Group Chairman and CEO Robert Cohen, and up an average of 11 percent for the past 10 years.

The decade cited includes some year's sales up 20 percent, some up three percent to four percent, but all of them up.

"In the Great Recession, when everybody was saying, 'flat's the new good: we were still growing," Cohen says.

And now, "Things are getting better. I don't think things are going to go back to the way they were. We're going to slowly climb out of where we were, slow movement you don't see on a day-to-day basis."

IMA just finished its "Strategic Plan: 2020," which lays out the...

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