Identity safeguarding with Black and Decker.

PositionCrosscut Paper Shredder - WHAT'S NEW? - Brief article

The risk of identity theft has never been greater than it is today. Though many of us would like to think "it can never happen to me," more than 10,000,000 people fell victim to this crime last year. If your personal information is used to commit fraud or other offenses, it can cost you time and money--and damage to your good name and credit rating are difficult to repair.

The easiest way for a criminal to get hold of your personal information is by going through your trash. When you throw out credit card offers, insurance forms, and even junk mail, you are leaving the door open for someone to steal your identity. Your best defense is to shred all financial documents and paperwork with identifying material before you dispose of them.


Black and Decker, Towson, Md., has a line of paper shredders that can shred a few sheets to up to 20 pieces of paper at a time. The 8 Sheet Crosscut Paper Shredder can destroy paper, credit cards, and staples (no need to remove them). It has a protective cover over the opening...

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