ICMA: e-government improves communication and customer service.

PositionInternational City/County Management Association - Brief Article

Nearly 70 percent of local governments report improved communication with the public as a result of their e-government initiatives, and 56 percent cite improved customer service, according to the results of a comprehensive survey of cities and counties conducted by the International City/County Management Association.

More than 3,400 cities and counties responded to the survey, which covered e-government services (current and future), financing, and management; online procurement; geographic information systems; and use of intranets. Other key findings from the survey include:

* The vast majority of local governments (more than 99 percent) have Internet connectivity.

* All reporting jurisdictions with a population of 250,000 or more have a Web site.

* Almost 60 percent of respondents provide downloadable forms, online communication with elected and appointed officials, employment information and applications, and codes and ordinances on the local government Web site; nearly...

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