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If you work or play in hot summer temperatures, you face a major health threat, according to registered dietician Laurie Meyer, a lecturer, author, and television commentator on nutrition. "Dehydration can cause serious illness or death. The human body rapidly gives up moisture in hot weather to help keep it cool, and it's vital to replenish lost water at frequent intervals." Meyer offers this advice to make sure you are properly hydrated:

* By the time you are thirsty, your body already may have lost one to two percent of its water, propelling it into dehydration. So, water should be consumed throughout the day, not just when you are thirsty.

* In addition to thirst, signals that you need water include lethargy, fatigue, weakness, dizziness, mental confusion, and flushed skin.

* While about two quarts of water is the normal recommended daily requirement, more may be needed by active people, including children.


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