Hurricane Shelter Tips for Families of Toddlers.


Parenting specialists at Zero to Three, a nonprofit tasked to ensure that babies and toddlers have a strong start in life, has the following suggestions for parents and caregivers of infants and toddlers seeking refuge from a hurricane or other disaster:

Create a calm space for your family. Being in a shelter is a disruption to the comforting routine and predictability of home and child care. The different noises, smells, people, and general environment may cause your child to feel nervous. Arrange your personal area to make your own space. Knowing that there is a space that you have made your own can feel comforting for the whole family.

Be present. During and after a disaster, predictability can be in short supply, but your child has your comforting presence. Move your child so that he or she is facing you while holding, feeding, or playing. Use a soothing voice when speaking. Try moving to a rhythm--rock, sway, or gently bounce while you sing a song. Assure your child that you will be with him or her throughout.

Keep routines consistent. Stick with your routines...

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