HPU friends give $40 million.

PositionGifts & Donors

When Dr. Nido Qubein became president in 2005, he boldly proclaimed that HPU can be one of the finest institutions of higher education in the world ... and he persuaded so many that a clear vision framed with a solid strategy and armed with consistent execution can do the job. Quickly. Effectively.











Just look where HPU is now. The transformation is incredible. Students and parents and counselors from near and far marvel at what is today one of the most extraordinary boutique universities anywhere. A God, family, and country school. A place where students receive a holistic education with experiential learning and values-based living.

The huge growth in numbers of enrolled students, in improved academic standards, in national recognition, and in the physical plant couldn't happen without significant financial support from generous benefactors. The university has raised more than $170 million in the last six years--with $80 million coming from just eight families. Amazing!

You've already read about the wonderful gifts from Plato Wilson and his family, from David Hayworth, from Pauline and Charles Hayworth, and from the James Millis family. Collectively, these families endowed HPU with significant resources towards the betterment of student services and facilities.



In the last few months, four more families committed $40 million toward the on-going programs of the university. The families of trustees...

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