How to keep fitness resolutions.

When Jan. 1 rolls around, enrollment at health clubs often swells and many people can be found trying to fulfill their New Year's fitness resolutions. By March--or even sooner--these resolutions typically are only distant memories. Instead of throwing in the towel so quickly, how can a person keep a fitness resolution all year round?

One of the best ways to retain motivation is to start out slowly, then gradually increase both workout time and level of intensity, suggests Bill Elam, professor of physical therapy, University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center. "Starting out 'gung-ho' probably isn't the best thing to do. Overenthusiasm is one of the reasons people drop out so quickly after the new year. When you do too much too soon, exercise becomes more of a chore than a pleasure. Exercise should be enjoyable, not,a task."

Those wanting to get--and stay--in shape should "Start with walking and then try fast walking. Then, if you wish, you can try jogging short distances. However, it's better on the knees and the hips to walk than it is to jog or run." Another way to keep up motivation is to wear a pedometer to record mileage while walking to log the distance traveled. "You...

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