How Long Should Obama Wait for Congress to Act on Climate Change?

Page 50 THE ENVIRONMENTAL FORUM Copyright © 2009, Environmental Law Institute®, Washington, D.C.
Reprinted by permission from The Environmental Forum®, March/April 2009
How Long Should Obama Wait for
Congress to Act on Climate Change?
This debate occurs in the context of
the Supreme Court’s decision in
Massachusetts v. EPA, which held
that the Environmental Protection
Agency has the authority under the
Clean Air Act to regulate greenhouse gas emis-
sions, a power the Bush administration chose
not to exercise in the two years since.
Meanwhile, pressure has been building
for Congress to pass a climate bill. During
the campaign, Obama adviser Jason Grumet
said the new president might wait 18 months
for Congress to enact new cap-and-trade leg-
islation but would use existing authority if it
didn’t pass a bill by then.
But some would like to see Obama act
much sooner. Recent news accounts portray
Obama’s advisers as split on whether to de-
lay action on climate change because of the
economic crisis. In the mean time, EPA has
been seeking comments on how the CAA
might be used to tackle climate change via
an Advance Notice of Proposed Rulemaking
issued last summer.
Should President Obama wait for Con-
gress, or should he act on the Court’s as-
sertion of authority and promulgate a rule
using the existing CAA? If he does use the
act’s regulatory powers, what shape would a
climate change program look like?

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