How to Be Exceptional: Drive Leadership Success by Magnifying Your Strengths.

AuthorWilliams, David K.

By Jack Zenger and Joe Folkman

I have known Jack Zenger for more than 20 years. I have been looking forward to the newest Zenger Folkman book, How to Be Exceptional: Drive Leadership Success by Magnifying Your Strengths, with pleasure, since early this year. A fitting capstone to Jack Zenger and Joe Folkman's previous works, the new book provides readers with organizational gold. It brings forward the collective data from more than 20,000 leaders to illustrate what happens to teams and to organizations when we uplift and grow their participants, and when we truly strengthen executives' abilities to lead.


The concept of strengths-based management--the focus on reinforcing and building standout strengths in individuals as opposed to simply honing in on their weaknesses--is profound. As pioneers in this area, Zenger Folkman takes the concept to the highest level yet in this book.

To my knowledge, Jack Zenger and Joe Folkman, with their...

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