How effective is democracy?

A national survey conducted by Brown University for the Providence Journal-Bulletin found that a majority of people question the effectiveness of American democracy and nearly half believe, in the words of Iran-Contra figure and talk-radio host Oliver North, "the political system is like poison ivy, and the only solution is to pull it up from its roots." Respondents gave low marks to the decision-making process in national government, with 74% ranking it poor or only fair, while 23% felt it either was good or excellent. State government was rated somewhat higher, with 59% saying their state's decision-making process was poor or only fair, compared to 34% rating it good or excellent.

The poll results suggest widespread frustration and pessimism toward public officials and a willingness among many to toss out the system itself. Seventy-nine percent of respondents said they believe public officials advocate what is popular over what is right, while 14% said they trust public officials to do what is right most of the time. One-third thought the American political system would get worse in the future.

"This poll paints a picture of a volatile...

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