Hoosier Bat Co. delivers.

Chicago Cubs slugger ended slump with lumber from Valparaiso.

Even before Sammy Sosa came along, Dave Cook's business was going well. His Valparaiso-based Hoosier Bat Co. was supplying the hardwood for about 80 professional baseball players. But it was a quiet success story.

Then came Sosa's slump. The Chicago Cubs' star slugger was 0-for-21 in late September, stuck with 63 home runs while St. Louis Cardinals first-baseman Mark McGwire powered ahead to 65.

Cook ran into Sosa while delivering bats to a couple of the outfielder's Chicago teammates. Sosa, desperately trying different bats to end his slump, told Cook he'd heard good things about Hoosier Bat's lumber and placed an order for a dozen. Cook delivered them personally at Milwaukee's County Stadium.

It was a Wednesday night when Sosa walked to the plate carrying a Hoosier black ash bat, a sleek, 34-inch model sporting Hoosier's trademark three gold rings. His new bat launched home run No. 64, then No. 65, tying him with McGwire before the night was over. Two days later, Sosa and his Hoosier bat belted No. 66 to put him ahead of McGwire (if only briefly).

As Sosa's slams landed in the stands, the Valparaiso bat company landed in the spotlight. Media descended upon the quiet, five-person shop to learn more about Sosa's lucky bat. And Sosa, whose endorsement contracts dictate that he be more partial to Louisville Sluggers, issued a quiet recommendation: "Today I used one - the good one."

The legendary...

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