Hommage a Kwong Hing Foon; Erudes d'histoire culturelle de la Chine.


Hommage a Kwong Hing Foon; Erudes d'histoire culturelle de la Chine. Edited by JEAN-PIERRE DIENY. Bibliotheque de l'Institut des hautes etudes chinoises, vol. 30. Paris: INSTITUT DES HAUTES ETUDES CHINOISES, COLLEGE DE FRANCE, 1995. Pp. viii + 288 + illus., figs. FF 120 (paper).

Kwong Hing Foon was widely regarded in France as one of the most promising younger lights of Sinology at the time of her unfortunate death in 1990. Her dissertation and the book that came out of it, Wang Zhaojun: Une heroine chinoise de l'histoire la legende (IHEC, 1986), received the Prix Giles of the Academie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres. And she had also become well known for her striking calligraphy. Her mentor, Jean-Pierre Dieny, has collected in the present volume articles dedicated to her memory by a number of her teachers and friends. The first contribution, by Shum Wing-fong ("Une Enquete de Kwong Hing Foon sur le personnage de Wang Zhaojun," pp. 1-13), analyzing the responses to a questionnaire given by Dr. Kwong to students at Peking University and Zhongshan University in 1985, has only a personal interest. However, the other ten contributions are substantial works and all bear close attention. They are: Alain Thote, "De quelques. decors au serpent sur les bronzes rituels du royaume de Chu"; Jean Levi, "Sima Qian...

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