Homeland security opens history professor's mail.

PositionBrief article

Grant Goodman is an eighty-one-year-old professor emeritus of Asian history at the University of Kansas.

For years, he's had an ongoing correspondence, by snail mail, with a former professor of history at the University of the Philippines, where Goodman taught on three separate occasions.

In early December, he received a letter from her that had been tampered with.

"The bottom of the envelope had been slashed open and then retaped with green tape," says Goodman. "And it said, 'Opened by Border Protection' in great big letters. The U.S. Department of Homeland Security seal is on it, too."

A spokesman for Homeland Security told the Lawrence Journal-World, which broke the story, that "he didn't know how often the agency opened mail from abroad. And he wouldn't discuss the criteria for opening letters."

Goodman won't release the name of the...

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