Holiday tips for single dads.


While TV commercials and retail ads proclaim the holidays as a lime for peace and joy (and lots of gifts), many feel that it is the season for family obligations and unpleasant visits with contentious relatives. That feeling of discomfort is compounded for single fathers, who many times face awkward gatherings with former in-laws or touchy ex-wives who request or require 'family lime" with their children. Yet, it does not have to be that way, according to life coach and motivational speaker Michael Taylor, author of A New Conversation with Men.

"It doesn't take much to carve a happier holiday out of all those potential pitfalls for single dads. We are creatures of habit--although, during the holidays, we tend to call them 'traditions.' As life changes, and as we evolve as individuals trying to learn from our mistakes, sometimes it's good to change these habits and try to make them into something that fits our new dynamic."

Taylor offers the following tips:

Do not isolate yourself. One classic reason to awkward shared custody situations simply is to hide from all the gatherings of family and friends. Men generally will shut themselves off from people during the holidays because of loneliness, without realizing what they really need is the support of friends.

Do not drink too much. Holiday toasts, office parties, and other celebrations tend to include opportunities to drink, and drink heavily. There is no shame in having a sip of wine for a holiday toast and then switching to soft drinks. It is easy to medicate sadness with drugs or alcohol, but it never does anything more than increase those feelings. Alcohol is a depressant, so it is best not to drink when you already are susceptible to depression.

Do not overspend. Some men try to make up for their lack of lime with their children by buying extravagant gifts. This is a...

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