High Tech 10.

AuthorLittle, Candace M.
PositionCompany overview

With more than 5,000 tech companies in Utah, it's not hard to find 10 worth talking about--what's hard is only talking about 10 of them. The economic climate has been an interesting factor in this year's High Tech 10 companies--mostly because it has hardly bothered them, and in many cases increased business, stirred new ideas and opened more channels of sales. History has proven that many successful companies have started or made a breakthrough during recessions, and who knows, maybe one of these Utah companies will be the next GE, Microsoft, PayPal or CNN.

Code Nutrition

"The future of nutrition and medicine is to customize nutritional plans and pharmaceuticals based on the genetic profile of the individual, says Code Nutrition CEO Dallin M. Anderson. "Code Nutrition is leading the way by providing nutritional supplements customized to individuals and designed to offer optimal support in the areas they need it most." These areas include energy use and immune system, cholesterol management, fat intake and metabolism, bone and muscle health, and antioxidant levels.

With a simple swab of the cheek to gather DNA, Code Nutrition deciphers how an individual's body transports and absorbs nutrients, and then mails a custom-made nutritional report along with personalized nutritional supplements.


ZenPrint is focused on building user-friendly Web-to-print applications that provide a way for any size business, from a blogger to a restaurant chain, to design, develop, produce, sell and distribute product. It's designed so companies can have online storefronts, direct marketing campaigns and user-generated custom products without the cost of inventory.

"We are excited about where we are headed and our prospects for growth," says JD Gardner, CEO of ZenPrint. "What's encouraging is how many potential partners immediately get how our solution can add value to their business. In the current economic climate, software like ours that helps eliminate managerial overhead, inventory and production costs is a pretty easy story to sell."


Mangia Technologies

"Mangia" means food in Italy, but in America, it means you won't have to wait in vendor lines at sporting events anymore. Using a mobile phone, fans can order food, merchandise and eventually tickets directly from their seat. Purchased items can be delivered to the customer or are available at an express pickup location in the stadium. Currently Mangia can only be used at the Rio...

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