Healthy foods are killing us.

PositionYour Life - Brief article

There are 10 healthy foods that are, in reality, killing us, claims Doug Varrieur, author of Fat to Skinny Fast and Easy! Sugar is the culprit behind these supposedly healthy foods causing obesity, diabetes, and related health problems.

"Sugar is going into your system at an alarming rate. It's in your vegetables, fruits, processed foods, snacks, beverages, breads, flour, and condiments," Varrieur explains. "Americans literally live on sugar."

Below is the list of the top 10 healthy foods that Varrieur maintains are killing us:

Kasha. One cup of cooked kasha metabolizes into the equivalent amount of blood sugar as 32 teaspoons of table sugar.


Raisins. Those little raisins in your cereal box, granola bar, or trail mix are a huge source of hidden sugar. Eating one cup of raisins metabolizes into the blood sugar equivalent of 26 teaspoons of table sugar.

Bran cereals. All cereals metabolize into glucose. Two cups metabolize into the equivalent amount of blood sugar as 20 teaspoons of table sugar.

Brown rice. One cup equates to 16 teaspoons of sugar.

Whole wheat pasta. Despite all of the whole grain hype, one cup equals...

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