Have yourself a tactical little Christmas.

PositionWishes of the Season - Brief article

The communications strategies that keep you professional at work and successful at school can make your holiday interactions less stressful. You should be at your very best with friends, family, and those you love.

Here are five communications tips for you, from the Vistelar Training Group, Mequon, Wis. These tenets of verbal judo are the foundation for everything we do. Use them, and have yourself a tactical little Christmas.

* Think tactically. If you want to make it a great holiday for your children and family, then everything you say and do should be geared toward that goal---even if it means setting aside old grudges with your ex or showing unpleasant in-laws some extra courtesy.

* Stay professional. Yes, you are off work and off duty, but that is no reason to let your language slide. You should be at your best for the people who mean...

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