Child Support Guidelines: Interpretation and Application.

AuthorFrumkes, Melvyn B.

Reviewed by Melvyn B. Frumkes and Corie M. Schor

Since the enactment of F.S. [sections] 61.30 (1987), child support awards have become based upon specific descriptive and numeric criteria allowing for deviation of more than "plus or minus 5 percent, from the guideline amount ... only upon a written finding or a specific finding on the record explaining why ordering payment of such guideline amount would be unjust or inappropriate."(1) These guidelines have revolutionalized the law of child support necessitating the mastery of new legislation and the resulting case law.

Child Support Guidelines: Interpretation and Application is a single-volume, comprehensive resource by Laura Morgan, a senior attorney at the National Legal Research Group in Charlottesville, VA. This must-have tool for the family law practitioner is available from Aspen Law & Business, 1185 Avenue of the Americas, New York, NY 10036, 1-800-638-8437.

As the guidelines have only been in effect for a relatively short period, applying the facts of one's case is often a matter without precedent. The Florida Legislature adopted [sections] 61.30 based upon the income shares model. The book explains the theory behind this model and what this model intends to accomplish. Additionally included is a table indicating the model upon which each state's guidelines are based. This one section and table is invaluable in assisting attorneys in formulating winning arguments and locating persuasive case law from other states following the same model.

The bulk of the chapters provides a copious explanation of how to apply the guidelines to each individual case. As no case is ever unexceptional, the author simplifies issues such as:

* Items to be included and excluded as gross income;

* Computing imputed income and what evidence can be presented to...

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