Guarding against mad cow disease.


In the wake of the Department of Agriculture's announcement confirming a third case of mad cow disease in the U.S., Farm Aid, Somerville, Mass., a family farm organization, has released tips to help consumers make decisions when purchasing beef that will help ensure the meat they select is safe.

"This ... confirmation of [another] case of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE), or mad cow disease, should serve as a reminder for [individuals] to know as much as they can about the food they buy," recommends Mark Smith, campaign director for Farm Aid. "To help guarantee the safety of beef, food buyers should learn where the meat is from, who produced it, and how it was processed."

Here are steps shoppers can take to minimize exposure to mad cow disease:

Learn as much as you can about the meat you buy. Ask retailers and butchers questions about how the meat was produced and processed. Where did it come from? How were the cattle raised? Try to learn who produced the food, and choose meat products that come from family farmers and ranchers you trust.

Try to buy directly from local farmers or ranchers. Many areas have local meat lockers that take pride in their cleanliness and safety record. Support butchers and lockers that source their products from local farmers and ranchers.

Buy organic or grass-fed beef. Organic beef cattle are raised on organic feed that strictly prohibits animal by-products linked to the spread of BSE among livestock. Meat processing facilities that are organically certified use strict protocols that separate organic meat from conventional meat, limiting the chances of contamination with infected beef.

In addition to these steps, consumers can demand change in the food system on a Federal level. "This most recent discovery of mad cow disease presents an opportunity for policymakers to make decisions that protect citizens and our food supply. Our elected leaders must hear a loud and clear call for safe food and safe...

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