GSB Vol. 18, NO. 4, Pg. 64. Law Practice Management.

Authorby Natalie R. Kelly

Georgia Bar Journal

Volume 18.

GSB Vol. 18, NO. 4, Pg. 64.

Law Practice Management

GSB JournalVol. 18, NO. 4December 2012Law Practice Managementby Natalie R. KellyTechnology Resources and Services of the Law Practice Management Program

More than 75 percent of the questions posed to the Law Practice Management Program over the last few months have related to technology. The program is constantly answering technology questions for lawyers, from "What computer or tablet should I buy?" to "What software is going to be the best fit for my practice?" If you've been wondering or want more information about the program's technology services, here is a short overview of the types of things we can help you with when looking for firm-wide systems and working with shiny new devices.

Technology consultations are conducted to train lawyers and their staff on how to properly set up, maintain and utilize the latest practice management, time billing and accounting software. While these services are most often used by smaller law firms, when working with firms of more than nine attorneys, the program can assist in orchestrating initial reviews and general feedback on products and services that are ideal solutions. Mid-size and large firms can also benefit from an objective assessment of the interactions between the firm and the legal software vendors through this service. Our program reviews general technology quotes firms receive and the RFPs firms generate as well.

In addition to software training, we also conduct technology consultations for auditing firms to help them understand where their deficiencies lie as it relates to their technology. We also assist with mapping out a plan for progress towards feasible and cost-sensitive technology solutions. This generally entails the creation or modification of a firm technology plan and firm technology budget.

Before technology consultations are conducted, many firms take advantage of software demonstrations led by our program. We maintain a software library consisting of full working copies of software solutions in addition to demonstration copies that provide an overview of what these technology tools can do. In the event lawyers or staff cannot make a trip to the Bar Center, our program offers an online webinar review of software so firms can still get the benefit of a program-led...

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