PositionHealth of Americans - Brief Article

Experts at the American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR) predict that 2001 will see an ever-greater reliance on vegetables and fruits in the nation's homes, restaurants, and food markets, mirroring the newfound prominence these foods are enjoying in public health policy. A series of recent events has set the stage for this shift in eating patterns:

* Heart and cancer experts joined in placing consumption of fruits and vegetables first on lists of dietary guidelines for prevention.

* The Department of Agriculture (USDA) revised its Dietary Guidelines for Americans to lend added emphasis to consumption of fruits and vegetables.

* The National Cancer Institute reviewed the 5 A Day Program--which encourages people to consume five or more daily servings of fruits and vegetables--and called for its expansion.

* The USDA issued a report on the health effects of popular high-protein diets that was highly critical of "fad" regimens, redirecting the nation's attention to diets high in vegetables and fruits.

"Driven by mounting scientific evidence, the national health organizations have retooled their dietary advice by putting fruits and vegetables front and center, where they belong," proclaims Melanie Polk, AICR Director of Nutrition Education. "At the same time, a host of simple new strategies are making it easier than ever for people to take advantage of the tremendous health benefits these foods offer....

"We have reached an important milestone. Today, for the first time, those wishing to...

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