'Greening' Your Travel Experience.

The U.S. Travel Data Center estimates that 43,000,000 U.S. travelers are ecologically concerned. These individuals especially will be interested, but all travelers can take part in the greening of the travel industry--whether away for business or pleasure.

Managers of businesses react and respond to requests of guests, customers, and clients who voice their concerns. So, when you write a note or speak directly to management regarding the environment, you are casting a vote. You can write a note to the general manager of the hotel, president of the airline, and/or manager of a tour company or cruise line with compliments or comments regarding their green program. Thank them if they have one, or ask why they don't. As a paying customer, it is important that you let them know that you want them to lower water and energy usage and reduce solid waste--and that you want to participate.

"Encourage businesses to think as you do by choosing where to spend your travel dollars. Spend your dollars with travel businesses that are interested in protecting the beautiful destinations we all love to visit," suggests Patricia Griffin, president, "Green" Hotels Association, Houston, Tex.

Book your accommodations and meeting rooms with hotels that clearly are interested in protecting the environment, and let management know that is why you have chosen that hotel. "Green" Hotels Association member hotels are encouraged to implement water-saving measures...

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