Green tea boosts memory and learning.

PositionNeurology - Brief article

It long has been believed that drinking green tea is good for the memory. Now researchers have discovered how the chemical properties of China's favorite drink affect the generation of brain cells, providing benefits for memory and spatial learning.

"Green tea is a popular beverage across the world," notes professor Yun Bai from the Third Military Medical University, Chongquing, China. "There has been plenty of specific attention on its use in helping prevent cardiovascular diseases, but now there is emerging evidence that its chemical properties may impact cellular mechanisms in the brain."

Bai's team--which published its findings in Molecular Nutrition & Food Research--focused on the organic chemical EGCG, (epigallocatechin-3 gallate) a key property of green tea. While EGCG is a known antioxidant, the team believes it also can have a beneficial effect against age-related degenerative diseases.


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