
AuthorHickenlooper, John
Position[ColoradoBIZ] ENDORSEMENTS

Near the end of an interview with John Hickenlooper, we asked the Denver mayor the same open-ended question we asked other candidates for governor. After a lengthy discussion about the economy, energy policy, education, water and other big-picture issues, was there anything else he would like to address?

In that moment, Hickenlooper put his campaign aside for a moment and made a plea for voters to reject ballot Amendments 60 and 61 and Proposition 101, restrictive measures that both Republicans and Democrats contend will hobble state and local government's ability to raise revenues and borrow money in an already tough economic environment.

That Hickenlooper responded to the question by addressing these measures underscores his commitment to the greater good. It was the only time during the half-hour interview that he mentioned his then-GOP gubernatorial rival Scott Mclnnis and only to note that Mclnnis had also publicly come out against the measures.


Not the kind of campaign message that inspires you to take a shower with your clothes on. It was also a reminder that this was the guy who jumped out of an airplane five years ago to spread a similar bipartisan message to support Referenda C and D, measures designed to provide some leeway for government spending from the Taxpayers Bill of Rights to pay for transportation projects, school construction and other needs.

During an election year when Democrats stand to lose considerable ground nationally, even a popular politician like John Hickenlooper faces a tough battle. It's only because of major missteps by his Republican rivals that his path to the governor's mansion seems to have few stones in it.

Political novice Dan Maes is hardly worth mentioning. Even if you erase his campaign finance violations, it's clear the Evergreen businessman has little of substance to offer. Former congressman Tom...

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