Gourmet desserts fresh out of the mailbox.

PositionPostcake Original - WHAT'S NEW? - Brief article

Maybe we shouldn't admit this, but looking inside our mailbox and finding a cake delivered right to our front door is way up there on the excitement scale. We were intrigued by the idea of the Postcake, transported in a gift box through regular mail delivery by the USPS. It did not disappoint.

The winner of a contest held by the Swedish Postal Service to create a cake that tasted good, retained freshness, and was easy to send by mail, the Postcake Original is a delicious honey-glazed hazelnut cake with a layer of creamy honey-glazed filling. It is topped with slivered almonds and held in a chocolate truffle crust that is mixed with a splash of rum.

The Almond Citrus with Raspberry Swirl cake features rich lemon zest with a layer of mandarin oranges and raspberry jam topped off with powdered sugar. Almond and marzipan paste are added for extra...

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