GMAC Mortgage Corporation.

PositionBusiness Profile

When faced with the headaches of financing a home, hundreds of Alaskans have found relief with Carol Nesbett, Loan Officer for GMAC Mortgage Corporation in Anchorage.

"This industry is very, very complex, and people need to have answers immediately," Carol says. "But GMAC is such a fine company that it makes the job easy for me -- and I like the challenge."

Carol mastered the challenges of the mortgage industry from the ground up. Seventeen years ago, she started out in Anchorage as a real estate agent, and quickly discovered that her knack for numbers made her a natural for the mortgage business.

"I've always liked putting deals together," she explains. "Over the years, I've done everything in the mortgage process, from closing to underwriting loans. This background helps me serve my clients better because I know where to go to get answers to their questions."

It also helps to have the services of a good mortgage company. Back when Carol started out in the industry, most people only had one option for buying a home: a 30-year, fixed-rate mortgage. Today, however, home mortgage programs are as versatile as home buyers -- and far more complex than yesterday's home mortgages.

"That's why I'm excited about this company," Carol says. "GMAC Mortgage is a leader in designing flexible loans to meet the special needs of its clients."

For example, she points out, GMAC offers fixed rate or adjustable rate plans, jumbo loans, relocation loans, FHA, Federal VA loans, balloon mortgages and affordable housing loans. To add to its versatility, GMAC also provides buy-down or buy-up interest loan options and rate protection choices.

For Carol, helping clients find the right mortgage package begins by "listening to my customers. Asking them questions. Giving them feedback," she says.

With this information, she can find the appropriate loan program for her clients. This is where her special skills come into play.

"As a loan officer, I have to know loans," she adds. "I update myself constantly. If I'm going to meet my customers' needs, I have to keep current with the changing loan programs and markets."

During the course of a typical business day, Carol gets many different calls ... from real estate agents, construction companies, independent contractors, banks and first-time home buyers, to name a few.

"In this industry, not only do you have...

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