Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations Used

AuthorKatherine H Woodcock; W Gregory Voss
ACB: anticorruption and antibribery.
Adequacy: a proper level of protection of personal data of EU residents offered by
the data protection laws of a Third Country.
Adequacy determination: a determination by the Commission and/or the Council,
as the case may be, of the adequacy of a Third Country’s data protection laws,
thus allowing cross-border transfers of personal data to such Third Country. See
Chapter 3 Section III.A.
Ad hoc data transfer agreements: agreements between an entity and an EU Member
State, whereby the entity provides adequate safeguards with respect to the protec-
tion of personal data and privacy in order to obtain Member State prior authoriza-
tion of a transfer or set of transfers of personal data to a Third Country that does
not benet from an adequacy determination. See Chapter 3 Section III.B.4.
AML: anti-money laundering/counterterrorist nancing.
AML Directive: Directive 2005/60/EC of the European Parliament and of the Coun-
cil of 26 October 2005 on the prevention of the use of the nancial system for the
purpose of money laundering and terrorist nancing. See Chapter 5, note 34.
Anonymization: rendering data anonymous in such a way that the data subject is no
longer identiable, so that the data are no longer considered personal data and the
Directive no longer applies. See Chapter 7 Section IV.C.
Article 26(1) Exemptions: derogations contained in Article 26(1) of the Directive
(and in Article 44 of the GDPR) from the principle that a determination of the
adequacy of data protection of a Third Country is necessary in order to allow
cross-border transfers of data to that country. See Chapter 3, Section III.C.
BCRs: binding corporate rules.
Behavioral advertising: advertising that is based on the observation of the individuals’
behavior over time, in order to study its characteristics through the individuals’
actions, so as to develop a specic prole for each of the individuals and then provide
them with advertising tailored to them. See Chapter 6 Section II.D.; see also WP 171.
Berlin Group: the International Working Group on Data Protection in Telecommu-
nications. Also known as IWGDPT.
Big data: deals with private industry use of massive amounts of data for various pur-
poses including predictive ones based on correlations observed in the data. See
Chapter 7 Section IV.A.
Appendix C
Glossary of Terms and Abbreviations Used
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