Globalization's effect on future dining.

PositionCuisine - Brief Article

Globalization will have a powerful effect on the future of dining. Recipes and meals from the world's kitchens will be available anywhere and anytime, food-trend specialist Art Siemering told the World Future Society, Bethesda, Md. "Globalization is the master trend that will drive the world of food," says Siemering, editor-in-chief of the Internet Food Channel. "Formerly remote ingredients and cooking styles are creating a whole new culinary mosaic as they are transplanted and reinterpreted all over the world."

For the globe-trotting businessman, food savvy will be an important part of career mastery. Being successful in South America or the Far East means having insight into another culture, and local dishes will become an important component of that. "People will need knowledge of food and ingredients from different continents and cultures as one aspect of socialization, cultural exchange, and success," Siemering suggests.

Moreover, culinary globalism will not be limited to physical travel. Chefs will learn about exotic ingredients, recipes, and techniques...

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