Global Transaction Services.

PositionExpense Controls - Web-based electronic tool allows card clients to compare spending habits on a global basis - Brief Article

Global Transaction Services, a unit of Citigroup, has brought out a new commercial card feature for clients called the Citibank[R] Custom Reporting System. This proprietary, Web-based electronic query tool allows multinational commercial card clients to analyze their corporate spending patterns with the commercial card on a global basis for the first time, and on a level not previously realized. Citibank Commercial Cards offers card programs in 29 countries used by over one million corporate cardholders.

Clients can use the information gleaned from this enhanced business intelligence tool to examine spending patterns, better negotiate with vendors, enforce corporate policies and make more informed, efficient business decisions. Corporations can then analyze commercial card data, create dynamic queries with easy-to-use design wizards, customize detailed reports and download report data into spreadsheet, database or word processing formats. Standard reports provide purchasing information on a macro level; however, clients can create custom, detailed reports on a micro level, as...

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