Global topics, global reach: Welcome to PAR's newest editorial board members

Published date01 January 2023
AuthorJeremy L. Hall
Date01 January 2023
Global topics, global reach: Welcome to PARs newest editorial
board members
Jeremy L. Hall
University of Central Florida, Orlando, Florida, USA
Jeremy L. Hall, University of Central Florida, Orlando, FL, USA.
With the new year arriving, Public Administration Review
(PAR) enters a new volume yearthe last of my six-year
editorship. The journal is 83 years strong in 2023, and it
continues to be a global leader in producing timely,
action-focused, and rigorous research that is relevant to
the practice of public administration worldwide. In the
last year we saw evidence of this leadership as the Journal
Citation Reports (JCR) impact factor reached its all-time
high of 8.144. Readership thrives: article downloads show
that scholars and practitioners around the world remain
very interested in what PAR has to offer. So why is that?
Obviously, none of this is possible without our
authors, who submit their very best work for consider-
ation. In part, PARs success draws from altruism among
the many scholars in our discipline that leads them to
take peer review seriously, engaging in anonymized,
unbiased, scientific dialog about problems, research, and
analysis on myriad topics we collectively study. I have said
for the past 6 years that one journal cannot publish all of
the good work, and consequently we turn away a great
number of good papers, publishing only the best of the
best. In part, PARs success is attributable to its editorial
board, the members of which provide a sounding board
for me when it comes to questions of salience, relevance,
or practical significance of a piece. And, the hard work
uncompensated workof the editorial team to identify
reviewers, process manuscripts, and advise me on deci-
sions, has been invaluable.
This concise editorial is my opportunity to express
gratitude to each person who played a part in that suc-
cess. Each year a new leaf is turned; I send thanks to those
members of PARs editorial board who have honorably
completed their three-year term, and I welcome a new
group of editorial board members who will help to guide
PAR through its next wave of challenges and opportuni-
ties. Like last years appointees, these new members will
support the transition to a new team of editors in 2024.
At this time, I am pleased to extend my sincere gratitude
to a number of editorial board members for their service
from 2020 to 2022. It is always a little sad to bid farewell
to cherished members of a team, but I know that each
will continue to serve PAR in important ways for years
to come.
Before moving into the editorial board transitions, I would
like to highlight a few transitions within my editorial
team. I am pleased to announce two new editors: Paola
Cantarelli and Bert George. Neither are strangers to the edi-
torial team, having previously served as managing editors.
As a result of their hard work and initiative, I have grown
to appreciate their breadth of knowledge, efficiency, and
dedication to process, and of course, their keen eye for
conceptual value and rigor within a manuscript. I am hon-
ored to advance them to these leadership roles.
As often happens, demands on the time of our most
productive scholars exceed their ability to deliver to all
who come to their respective wells to dip. Associate Edi-
tor Tima Moldogaziev has been my go-to resource for
budget and finance materials, but as his institutional
responsibilities have increased, he has found it necessary
to step back from his role at PAR. I respect that decision
and offer my sincere gratitude for his time and talent over
the last few years. His insight will be sorely missed.
It is my pleasure to thank 29 individuals who completed
their 3-year term on the PAR editorial board at the end of
2022. I now recognize the following individuals for their
service: Akeem-Abdul Sadiq, David Ali, Catherine Althaus,
Domonic Bearfield, Ed Benton, Michael Bevis, Carmine
Bianchi, Justin Bullock, Robert Christensen, Rex Facer, Bert
George, J. Ramon Gil-Garcia, Doug Goodman, Irving
Huang, Willow Jacobson, Claire Knox, Stephanie Moulton,
Received: 1 December 2022 Accepted: 1 December 2022
DOI: 10.1111/puar.13577
Public Admin Rev. 2023;83:56. © 2022 by The American Society for Public Administration. 5

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