GFOA authorizes policy statement on retirement security.

PositionNews & Numbers - Government Finance Officers Association - Brief article

Solidifying its position in the conversation on national health-care policy, GFOA's Executive Board unanimously ratified a policy statement on the 40 percent Excise Tax on Health Plan Premiums.

Recognizing the essential nature of health-care reform initiatives that expand access to quality health care and control the growth of health-care costs, GFOA will work with federal policymakers to advocate for adequate and appropriate funding to ensure the sustainability of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. In so doing, GFOA supports legislative efforts to repeal the 40 percent excise tax on health plan premiums and also supports alternative approaches that would mitigate the effect of the excise tax on state and local governments, while preserving their authority to design and maintain health insurance arrangements that are tailored to the specific needs of the employers.

"This statement reflects GFOA's twin goals of working with federal policy makers to bring positive change...

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