Getting more for less.

PositionFocus - Meeting planning - Brief Article

Starting Right

* Get input from the local Convention & Visitors Bureau.

* Know the value of your business by keeping a detailed history of all your events.

Budget Smart

* Prepare a detailed Request for Proposal.

* Always budget at least 10% of expenses as "contingency" to cover unforeseen costs.

* Limit authorized signatures and don't accept charges signed for by unauthorized staff.

* Ask the hotel or other meeting venue for everything and anything up front.

* Everything can be negotiated and everything can be renegotiated.

* Work to fill hotels' "need" dates and meet during the least busy times of the year.

* Lock in rental rates and menu prices, or at least agree that prices will not increase more than a specified amount.

* Sign a contract only if you agree with it in its entirety.

* Hire on-site registration staff instead of paying for in-house staff's travel costs.

* Pay staff travel per diem and outline acceptable expenditures.

* Keep the number of breakout rooms to a minimum.

* Confer with the A/V company to determine the least expensive set-ups.

* Verify what A/V equipment is truly needed prior to placing extensive set-ups in every meeting room.

Food and Beverage

* Interact directly with the chef to establish creative yet affordable menus.

* Buy coffee, decaf and tea in bulk or by the gallon.

* Order food on a "by consumption" basis so uneaten food can be returned.

* Use sit-down meals that are typically less expensive than buffets.

* Eliminate soup, salad and dessert. Dessert can be served during the afternoon break.

* Serve box lunches instead of a formal lunch.



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