Get involved.

AuthorStamp, Robert L.
PositionMembers speak out

Our founding fathers--intelligent and successful people--were busy pursuing their chosen profession or trade, but still took the time to be involved in the formation of our government. They understood the importance of their efforts. Their objectives were simply to try to make sure that the government they formed would provide the same opportunities for future generations, and that the values incorporated in that government would be passed on.

The United States democratic system of government requires involvement in order to ensure its continued success. If the majority of the people are not involved, it will atrophy into something different. As the adage goes: " If only the oarsmen on one side of the boat are rowing, the boat will go in a circle."

If intelligent people are not involved in government--in ways other than elected office--the people in government will assume they are not interested, they like what is going on or they are too dumb to understand what is going on.

Now More Than Ever

Many people shy away from being active in government processes because of the invasive nature of that activity Their history, behavior, religion, etc. become subject to examination, often even for something as simple as a letter to the editor.

Many don't get involved as they don't want to have to defend themselves on issues that have little relevance to government's functions. Unfortunately, many of these are the intelligent and successful people...

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