Gender Identity and Expression

AuthorMatthew W. Green, Jr.
Η+3)&2! 1−)&∃03/−)/Α! ΗΛ∃∋?∃Γ∃77∗ =Μ∗ Κ+)?∃∀2! −&! “bizarre! )∋%3/&%! Β+3/∗! ∋,%3∋! 3,∗∋)! ∋! 03))∋,&!
and then fired on Monday for just that act.” While this is undoubtedly true, should those 4∃Ζ−))∋!
results have factored into the court’s interpretation of Title VII?!Ψ+Β!∗+∋%!Γ3∗≅∋!ΜΑΧ∋%!)∋%1+,∗!
to the majority’s concern about the bizarre results that woul∗! ∋,%3∋! 3,/∋%%!∋!0+3)&! (∃,∗%! −&!
%∋Σ3−/!+)∃∋,&−&∃+,!0/−∃7%!fall within Title VII’s protective scope]!
∆) Marcia’s!ι3−/∃(∃0−&∃+,%!
−4+3&! #∋)%∋/(
0+31/∋!#−6∋!−!&Β+.Α∋−)!+/∗!∗−3≅#&∋)∆)∃77∋∗∃−tely responds “that won’t do.” Ψ∋!%−Α%!
−&!∃(!%#∋!#−%!−!Α+3,≅!0#∃/∗!−&!#+7∋2!#∋)!1/−0∋!∃%!Β∃!#∋)!0#∃/∗!“during its formative years<!Ψ∋!
#∋)! #+7+%∋Σ3−/! )∋/−&∃+,%#∃1! Β+3/∗! 4∋! −! ≅++∗! (∃&! (+)! Umbridge’s image<Ψ ∋! −,Χ%!#∋)! (+)!
0+7∃,≅!∃,!43&!&∋//%!her that he “Ξ3%&!)∋7∋74∋)∋∗!−&!∋!1+%∃&∃+,!#−∗!−/)∋−∗Α!4∋∋,!filled.”!
Marcia suspects that the reason she didn’t get the job ∃%!4∋0−3%∋!+(! ∋!∗∋&−∃/%!%#∋!%#−)∋∗!
women and thus doesn’t discriminate against!Β+7∋,!4∋0−3%∋!∋Α!−)∋!Β+7∋,
∃,! Α+3)!Ξ3)∃%∗∃0&∃+,! Ο,+,∋! +(! Β#∃0#! Α+3! −)∋!4+3,∗! &+! (+//+ΒΡ! #−6∋! )∋−0#∋∗! ∃,0+,%∃%&∋,&! )∋%3/&%!
0+,0∋),∃,≅! ∋! 6∃−4∃/∃&Α! +(! ∀∃&/∋! =ΚΚ! %∋Σ3−/! +)∃∋,&−&∃+,! 0/−∃7%
∆−)0∃−]!⊥+)!13)1+%∋%! +(! ∀∃&/∋! =ΚΚ2! ∃,! Β#−&! Β−Α%2!∃(!−,Α2! Β+3/∗! −! 0/−∃7! ∃,6+/6∃,≅! #∋)! 1−)∋,&−/!
7& :(24()&04(2%+%≅&124&=Β?)(−−+#2&
(+)!1∋)%+,%!whose gender identity [one’s internal sense of being male, female or something else],
they were assigned at birth.” “What Does Gender Mean?”!Ι7∋)∃0−,! Λ%Α0#+/+≅∃0−/!Ι%%+0∃−&∃+,2!
#&&1>??ΒΒΒς! ∀∃∃∗ &7∀+! Γ∃//∃−,!
∀+∗∗! Ε∋∃%%2! Transgender Identity, Textualism, and the Supreme Court: What Is the “Plain
Meaning” of “Sex” in Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 19642!:γ!∀[∆Λ<!Λβϑ!ϕ!ΗΚ=<!η∀Μ<!ϑ<!η[=<!
573, 589 (2009) (explaining that “transgender” may ∗∋,+&∋! &)−,%%∋Σ3−/%2! &)−,%6∋%&∃&∋%2!
0)+%%∗)∋%%∋)%2! −,∗! −,Α+,∋! ∋/%∋! Β#+%∋! ≅∋,∗∋)! ∃∗∋,&∃&Α! +)! ≅∋,∗∋)! ∋Σ1)∋%%∃+,! 6−)∃∋%! ()+7! ∋!
dimorphic norm”). !
Λ/−∃,&∃((%! #−6∋! /+,≅! −)≅3∋∗! −&! ∀∃&/∋! =ΚΚ! 1)+#∃4∃&%! ∗∃%0)∃7∃,−&∃+,! +,! ∋! 4−%∃%! +(!
&)−,%≅∋,∗∋)! %&−&3%! +)! ≅∋,∗∋)! ∃∗∋,&∃&Α∆∃#&,6(∀!
2(∋7(,∃∀2!;Ν8!⊥<8∗! :9γ:2!:9γ! Ο;!Η∃) :χγΝΡ!Ο#+/∗∃,≅!−&! ∀∃&/∋!=ΚΚ!∗+∋%!,+&! 1)+&∋0&!∋71/+Α∋∋%!
+)∃∋,&−&∃+,2! ≅∋(4∃∗ Ι&6∃∋5+−∀∃! −/%+! #−%! 0#−,≅∋∗! ∋! /∋≅−/! /−,∗%0−1∋! (+)! ∋71/+Α∋∋%! −//∋≅∃,≅!
that discrimination is “because of sex” beyond evidence of ≅∋,∗∋)!%&∋)∋+&Α1∃,≅
−%!4∋∃,≅!&)−,%%∋Σ3−/2!i.e., “1∋+1/∋!Β#+%∋!≅∋,∗∋)!∃∗∋,&∃&Α!∃%!∗∃((∋)∋,&!()+7!∋∃)!−%%∃≅,∋∗!%∋Σ!ο−,∗!
their gender identities.” “What Does Gender Mean?,”! Ι7∋)∃0−,! Λ%Α0#+/+≅∃0−/! Ι%%+0∃−&∃+,2!
#&&1>??ΒΒΒΨ+Β∋6∋)2!3,/∋%%!+∋)Β∃%∋! ∃,∗∃0−&∋∗2!∋!5+&∋%!
−,∗! ∋Σ1/−,−&+)Α!7−&∋)∃−/%! use the more inclusive term “transgender” to refer to all individuals
! !
!7& :(24()&04(2%+%≅&124&=Β?)(−−+#2&124&9(Β&9%()(#%≅?+23&
Η∃&Α! +(! Μ−/∋72! β#∃+2! −,∗! 6−)∃+3%! Η∃&Α! +((∃0∃−/%2! −,∗! ≅)−,&∃,≅! Ξ3∗≅7∋,&! +,! ∋! 1/∋−∗∃,≅%! &+!
δ∋(∋,∗−,&%2!13)%3−,&! &+! ⊥∋∗∋)−/!η3/∋! +(! Η∃6∃/!Λ)+0∋∗3)∋! :8Ο0Ρ Μ7∃!Β#+!0+,%∃∗∋)%! #∃7%∋/(!−!
&)−,%%∋Σ3−/! −,∗! #−%! 4∋∋,! ∗∃−≅,+%∋∗! Β∃! Φ∋,∗∋)! Κ∗∋,&∃&Α! δ∃%+)∗∋)2! −//∋≅∋∗! −&! δ∋(∋,∗−,&%!
∗∃%0)∃7∃,−&∋∗!−≅−∃,%&!#∃7! ∃,!#∃%!∋71/+Α7∋,&! +,!∋!4−%∃%! +(!%∋Σ −%%∋)&∋∗!0/−∃7%! 13)%3−,&!&+!
∀∃&/∋!=ΚΚ!+(!∋!Η∃6∃/!η∃≅#&%! Ι0&!+(!:χαΝ2!Ν8!Τ λ!8999∋! ∃6∗∀∃ΥΜ/!−,∗!Ν8!Τ λ!:χγ_∀#∋!
(+)! ∃,6−%∃+,! +(! 1)∃6−0Α! −,∗! 0∃6∃/! 0+,%1∃)−0Ας!∋! ∗∃%& )∃0&! 0+3)&!∗∃%7∃%%∋∗! +%∋! 0/−∃7%! −%! Β∋//2!
⊥+)!∋!(+//+Β∃,≅! )∋−%+,%2!Β∋!)∋6∋)%∋!∋!Ξ3∗≅7∋,&! +(!∋! ∗∃%&)∃0&!0+3)&!−,∗!)∋7−,∗!∋! 0−%∋!(+)!
as a lieutenant in the Salem Fire Department (the “Fire Department”). Prior to the events
%3))+3,∗∃,≅! ∃%! −0&∃+,2! Μ7∃! Β+)Χ∋∗! (+)! ∋! ⊥∃)∋! δ∋1−)&7∋,&! (+)! %∋6∋,! Α∋−)%! Β∃+3&! −,Α!
,∋≅−&∃6∋! ∃,0∃∗∋,&%—4∃+/+≅∃0−//Α! −,∗! 4Α! 4∃)! −! 7−/∋∃%! −! &)−,%%∋Σ3−/! −,∗! #−%! 4∋∋,!
diagnosed with Gender Identity Disorder (“GID”), which the American Psychiatric Association
characterizes as a disjunction between an individual’s!%∋Σ3−/!+)≅−,%!−,∗!%∋Σ3−/!∃∗∋,&∃&ΑΙ7∋)∃0−,!
Λ%Α0#∃−&)∃0! Ι%%+0∃−&∃+,2! δ∃−≅,+%&∃0! −,∗! Μ&−&∃%&∃0−/! ∆−,3−/! +(! ∆∋,&−/! δ∃%+)∗∋)%! ;αγ8! ΟΝ!
ed.2000). After being diagnosed with GID, Smith began “expressing a more feminine appearance
+,!−!(3//.time basis”—∃,0/3∗∃,≅!−&!Β+)Χ∃,!−00+)∗−,0∋!Β∃!∃,&∋),−&∃+,−/!7∋∗∃0−/!1)+&+0+/%!(+)!
treating GID. Soon thereafter, Smith’s co.Β+)Χ∋)%!4∋≅−,!ι3∋%&∃+,∃,≅! #∃7! −4+3&!#∃%! −11∋−)−,0∋!
and commenting that his appearance and mannerisms were not “masculine enough.” As a result,
&)∋−&7∋,& [−%&∋Χ!+(!∋! /∃Χ∋/∃#++∗!−&!#∃%! &)∋−&7∋,&!Β+3/∗!∋6∋,&3−//Α!∃,0/3∗∋!
0+71/∋&∋!1#Α%∃0−/!&)−,%(+)7−&∃+,!()+7!7−/∋!&+!(∋7−/∋ [−%&∋Χ!∃,!+)∗∋)! &+!
could address Smith’s co.workers’ comments and inquiries. Smith specifically asked Eastek, and
[−%&∋Χ! 1)+7∃%∋∗2! ,+&! &+! ∗∃63/≅∋! ∋! %34%&−,0∋! +(! ∋∃)! 0+,6∋)%−&∃+,! &+! −,Α! +(! #∃%! %31∋)∃+)%2!
1−)&∃03/−)/Α! &+! δ∋(∋,∗−,&! Ε−/&∋)! Φ)∋∋,−7Α∋)2! Η#∃∋(! +(! ∋! ⊥∃)∋! δ∋1−)&7∋,&
however, Eastek told Greenamyer about Smith’s behavior and his GID.!
with the intention of using Smith’s transsexualism and its manifestations as a basis for terminating
his employment. On April 18, 2001, Greenamyer and Zellers arranged a meeting of the City’s
body included Defendants Larry D. DeJane, Salem’s mayor; James A. Armeni, Salem’s auditor;
and Joseph S. Julian, Salem’s service director. Also present was Salem Safety Di )∋0&+)!Ψ∋,)Α!ϑ
δ3)∃,≅! ∋! 7∋∋&∃,≅2! Φ)∋∋,−7Α∋)2! δ∋Γ−,∋2! −,∗! υ∋//∋)%! −≅)∋∋∗! &+! −))−,≅∋! (+)! ∋! Μ−/∋7! Η∃6∃/!
Μ∋)6∃0∋!Η+77∃%%∃+,! &+! )∋ι3∃)∋!Μ7∃!&+! 3,∗∋)≅+! )∋∋! %∋1−)−&∋!1% Α0#+/+≅∃0−/!∋6−/3−&∃+,%! Β∃!
physicians of the City’s choosing. They hoped that Smith would either resign or refuse to comply.
If he refused to comply, Defendants reasoned, they could terminate Smith’s employment on the
≅)+3,∗!+(! ∃,%34+)∗∃,−&∃+, Ε∃//−)∗2! Β#+! )∋7−∃,∋∗! %∃/∋,&! ∗3)∃,≅!∋!7∋∋&∃,≅2! &∋/∋1#+,∋∗! Μ7∃!
afterwards to inform him of the plan, calling Defendants’ scheme a “witch hunt.”!
Two days after the meeting, on April 20, 2001, Smith’s counsel telephoned DeJane to advise him
of Smith’s legal representa&∃+,! −,∗! ∋! 1+&∋,&∃−/! /∋≅−/! )−7∃(∃0−&∃+,%! (+)! ∋! Η∃&Α! ∃(! ∃&! (+//+Β∋∗!
received his “right to sue” letter from the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
(“EEOC”). Four days after that, on April 26, 2001, Greenamyer suspended Smith for one twenty.
! !
Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 provides, in relevant part, that “[i]t shall 4∋!−,!3,/−Β(3/!
compensation, terms, conditions, or privileges of employment because of such individual’s race,
color, religion, sex, or national origin.” 42 Τ8Ο−Ρ
Κ,! #∃%! 0+71/−∃,&2! Μ7∃! −%%∋)&%! ∀∃&/∋! =ΚΚ! 0/−∃7%! +(! )∋&−/∃−&∃+,! −,∗! ∋71/+Α7∋,&! ∗∃%0)∃7∃,−&∃+,!
“because of ... sex.” The district court dismissed Smith’s Title VII claims on the ground that he
109 S.Ct. 1775, 104 L.Ed.2d 268 (1989). The district court implied that Smith’s claim was
disingenuous, stating that he merely “invokes the term.+(.−)&!0)∋−&∋∗!4Α!≅∋(4∃∗Ι&6∃∋5+−∀∃/!−&!∃%2!
‘sex.stereotyping,’ ” as an end run around his “real” claim, which, the district court stated, was
“based upon his transsexuality.” The district court then held that “Title VII does not prohibit
discrimination based on an individual’s transsexualism.”!
η∋/Α∃,≅!+,!≅∋(4∃∗Ι&6∃∋5+−∀∃Β#∃0h held that Title VII’s prohibition of discrimination “because
+(!. sex” bars gender discrimination, including discrimination based on sex stereotypes—Μ7∃!
contends on appeal that he was a victim of discrimination “because of ... sex” both because of #∃%!
Ε∋! (∃)%&! −∗∗)∋%%! Β#∋∋)! Μ7∃! #−%! %&−&∋∗! −! 0/−∃7! (+)! )∋/∃∋(2! 13)%3−,&! &+! Price Waterhouse’%!
≅∋(4∃∗ Ι&6∃∋5+−∀∃/! ∋! 1/−∃,&∃((2! −! (∋7−/∋! %∋,∃+)! 7−,−≅∋)! ∃,! −,! −00+3,&∃,≅! (∃)72! Β−%! ∗∋,∃∋∗!
partnership in the firm, in part, because she was considered “macho.” 490 U.S. at 235, 109 S.Ct.
:;;−∗6∃%∋∗!−&!%#∋! could improve her chances for partnership if she were to take “a
course at charm school,” “walk more femininely, talk more femininely, dress more femininely,
Β∋−)!7−Χ∋.up, have her hair styled, and wear jewelry.” !)Μ!Ο∃,&∋),−/!ι3+&−&∃+,!7−)Χ%!+7∃&&∋∗ΡΣ!
7∋74∋)%!+(! ∋! Η+3)&! −≅)∋∋∗! −&! %30#! 0+77∋,&%! 4∋%1+Χ∋! ≅∋,∗∋)! ∗∃%0)∃7∃,−&∃+,2! #+/∗∃,≅! −&!
−&! ∃%2! ∗∃%0)∃7∃,−&∃+,! 4∋0−3%∋! %#∋! (−∃/∋∗! &+! &46! /∃Χ∋! −! Β+7−,!)Μ! −&! 89:2! :9χ! Μ
Ο1/3)−/∃&Α!+1∃,∃+,! +(!(+3)!Γ3%&∃0∋%Ρς! ()Μ! −&!8γα:2! :9χ! Μ ΟΕ#∃&∋2! Γ<2!0+,03))∃,≅Ρς! ()Μ! −&!
8;8–73, 109 S.Ct. 1775 (O’Connor, J., concurring) (accepting plurality’s sex stereotyping analysis
and characterizing the “failure to conform to [gender] stereotypes” as a discriminatory criterion;
0+,03))∃,≅!%∋1−)−&∋/Α! &+! 0/−)∃(Α!∋!%∋1−)−&∋! ∃%%3∋%! +(!0−3%−&∃+,! −,∗! −//+0−&∃+,! +(!∋! 43)∗∋,! +(!
proof). As Judge Posner has pointed out, the term “gender” is one “borrowed from grammar &+!
designate the sexes as viewed as social rather than biological classes.” Richard A. Posner, Sex and
η∋−%+,2! 8Ν8! Ο:χχ8Ρ
discrimination because of “sex” includes gender discrimination: “In ∋! 0+,&∋Σ&! +(! %∋Σ!
that she must not be, has acted on the basis of gender.” ≅∋(4∃∗Ι&6∃∋5+−∀∃/!Νχ9!Τ 892!:9χ!
Μasized that “we are beyond the day when an employer could evaluate
employees by assuming or insisting that they matched the stereotype associated with their group.”
conduct and mannerisms which, he alleges, did not conform with his employers’ and co.workers’
sex stereotypes of how a man should look and behave. Smith’s complaint states that, after being
∗∃−≅,+%∋∗!Β∃! ΦΚδ2!#∋! 4∋≅−,! &+!∋Σ1)∋%%! −!7+)∋! (∋7∃,∃,∋!−11∋−)−,0∋!−,∗! 7−,,∋)!+,! −!)∋≅3/−)!
4−%∃%2! ∃,0/3∗∃,≅! −&! Β+)Χ
−11∋−)−,0∋!−,∗!7−,,∋)∃%7%!−%! ,+&!4∋∃,≅! 7−%03/∃,∋!∋,+3≅#ς! −,∗!−&!#∃%! %31∋)6∃%+)%!−&! ∋!⊥∃)∋!
δ∋1−)&7∋,&! −,∗! +∋)! 73,∃0∃1−/! −≅∋,&%! Χ,∋Β! −4+3&! ∃%! −//∋≅∋∗/Α! 3,7−%03/∃,∋! 0+,∗30&! −,∗!
−11∋−)−,0∋ 0+71/−∃,&! ∋,! ∗∋%0)∃4∋%!−! #∃≅#.level meeting among Smith’s supervisors and
+∋)! 73,∃0∃1−/! +((∃0∃−/%! )∋≅−)∗∃,≅! #∃%! ∋71/+Α7∋,&
Smith’s resignation by forcing him to undergo multiple psychological evaluations of his gender
,+,.0+,(+)7∃,≅!4∋#−6∃+) ∀#∋!0+71/−∃,&!7−Χ∋%! 0/∋−)!−&!∋%∋! 7∋∋&∃,≅%! &++Χ!1/−0∋! %++,! −(&∋)!
−//∋≅∋∗/Α! 6∃+/−&∃,≅! −,! 3,∋,−0&∋∗! 73,∃0∃1−/! 1+/∃0Α2! −,∗! −&! ∋! %3%1∋,%∃+,! Β−%! +)∗∋)∋∗! ∃,!
)∋&−/∃−&∃+,!(+)!#∃%! 13)%3∃,≅!/∋≅−/!)∋7edies after he had been informed about Defendants’ plan to
∃,&∃7∃∗−&∋!#∃7!∃,&+!)∋%∃≅,∃,≅ %#+)&2!Μ7∃! 0/−∃7%!−&! ∋!∗∃%0)∃7∃,−&∃+,! #∋!∋Σ1∋)∃∋,0∋∗!Β−%!
Ψ−6∃,≅!−//∋≅∋∗!−&!#∃%!(−∃/3)∋!&+!0+,(+)7!&+!%∋Σ! %&∋)∋+&Α1∋%!0+,0∋),∃,≅!#+Β!−!7−,!%#+3/∗!/++Χ!
and behave was the driving force behind Defendants’ actions, Smith has sufficiently pleaded
Κ,!%+!#+/∗∃,≅2!Β∋! (∃,∗!−&!∋!∗∃%&)∃0&!0+3)&!∋))∋∗!∃,!)∋/Α∃,≅!+,! −!%∋)∃∋%!+(! 1)∋.≅∋(4∃∗Ι&6∃∋5+−∀∃!
0−%∋%!()+7!+∋)!(∋∗∋)−/! −11∋//−&∋!0+3)&%!#+/∗∃,≅!−&! &)−,%%∋Σ3−/%2!−%! −!0/−%%2! −)∋!,+&!∋,&∃&/∋∗!&+!
Title VII protection because “Congress had a narrow view of sex in mind” and “never considered
nor intended that [Title VII] apply to anything other than the traditional concept of sex.” ς7&,∃∗=Μ∗
Β&∀6∃∋,∗2(∋7(,∃∀/∗ !,4Μ/! ;Ν8! ⊥<8∗! :9γ:2! :9γ2! :9γα! Ο;! Η∃)<: class="_ _0"> ∀∃∃∗ &7∀+∗ Κ+77+ϑ&.∗=Μ∗ 2∋65−∋∗
2,)∃∋∀∃,∗Ν∗!αα!⊥<8∗!αχ2!αα:α_!Οχ!Η∃)<: class="_ _0">1)+&∋0&∃+,!+(!∀∃&/∋!=ΚΚ!
to transsexuals because discrimination against transsexuals is based on “gender” rather than “sex”).
only on “sex” (referring to an individual’s anatomical and biological characteristics), but not on
“gender” (referring to socially.constructed norms associated with a person’s sex). #∃∃/∗∃Μ?Μ/∗ς7&,∃/!
;Ν8!⊥<8∗!−&!:9γΝ!(construing “sex” in Title VII narrowly to mean only anatomical sex rather than
≅∋,∗∋)Ρς! #+ΑΑ∃∋∀∗ =Μ∗ :−)?∃6∗ %Ε6?Μ/∗ !,4Μ/! αα;! ⊥<8∗! ;Νγ2! ;9! Ογ! Η∃)<:>
&)−,%%∋Σ3−/%!−)∋!,+&!1)+&∋cted by Title VII because the “plain meaning” must be ascribed to the
term “sex” in the absence of clear congressional intent to do otherwise); Κ+77+ϑ&./!αα! ⊥<8∗!−&!
αα:α_!Ο)∋(3%∃,≅!&+!∋Σ&∋,∗!1)+&∋0&∃+,!+(!∀∃&/∋!=ΚΚ!&+! &)−,%%∋Σ3−/%!4∋0−3%∋!∗∃%0)∃7∃,−&∃+,! −≅−∃,%&!
transsexualism is based on “gender” rather than “sex;” and “sex” should be given its traditional
definition based on the anatomical characteristics dividing “organisms” and “living beings” into
7−/∋! −,∗! (∋7−/∋Ρ&+.(∋7−/∋! &)−,%%∋Σ3−/%! ΟΒ#+! Β∋)∋! ∋!
1/−∃,&∃((%!∃,!ς7&,∃/∗#+ΑΑ∃∋∀2! −,∗!Κ+77+ϑ&.−%!4∃+/+≅∃0−/!7−/∋%!Β#+%∋!+3&Β−)∗!4∋#−6∃+)!−,∗!
∋7+&∃+,−/! ∃∗∋,&∃&Α! ∗∃∗! ,+&! 0+,(+)7! &+! %+0∃−//Α.1)∋%0)∃4∋∗! ∋Σ1∋0&−&∃+,%! +(! 7−%03/∃,∃&ΑΒ∋)∋!
∗∋,∃∋∗!∀∃&/∋!=ΚΚ!1)+&∋0&∃+,!4Α!0+3)&s because they were considered victims of “gender” rather than
“sex” discrimination.!
#−%!4∋∋,! ∋6∃%0∋)−&∋∗!4Α!≅∋(4∃∗ Ι&6∃∋5+−∀∃Μ∗#∃∃∗ #45ϑ∃,Ε∗ =Μ∗Κ&∋6Γ+∋)/! 89Ν! ⊥<_ class="_ _0"> :89:! Οχ!
Cir.2000) (“The initial judicial approach taken in cases such as Κ+77+ϑ&.! ο−,∗!ς7&,∃π! #−%!4∋∋,!
+6∋))3/∋∗!4Α!∋!/+≅∃0!−,∗!/−,≅3−≅∋!+(!≅∋(4∃∗Ι&6∃∋5+−∀∃Μ”). By holding that Title VII protected a
Β+7−,!Β#+!(−∃/∋∗!&+! 0+,(+)7!&+! %+0∃−/!∋Σ1∋0&−&∃+,%! 0+,0∋),∃,≅!#+Β! −!Β+7−,! %#+3/∗!/++Χ! −,∗!
behave, the Supreme Court established that Title VII’s reference to “sex” encompasses both the
not occur but for the victim’s sex. It follows that employers who discriminate agains&!7∋,!4∋0−3%∋!
∋Α! )+! Β∋−)! ∗)∋%%∋%! −,∗! 7−Χ∋312! +)! +∋)Β∃%∋! −0&! (∋7∃,∃,∋/Α2! −)∋! −/%+! ∋,≅−≅∃,≅! ∃,! %∋Σ!
discrimination, because the discrimination would not occur but for the victim’s sex. . . . !
Θ∋&!%+7∋! 0+3)&%!#−6∋! #∋/∗! −&!∃%! /−&&∋)! (+)7!+(! ∗∃%0)∃7∃,−&∃+,! ∃%!+(! −! ∗∃((∋)∋,&!−,∗! %+7∋#+Β!
7+)∋!1∋)7∃%%∃4/∋!Χ∃,∗⊥+)!∃,%&−,0∋2!∋!7−,! Β#+!−0&%!∃,! Β−Α%!&Α1∃0−//Α!−%%+0∃−&∋∗!Β∃!Β+7∋,!
Β∃!Β+7∋,2!43&! ∃%!∃,%&∋−∗! ∗∋%0)∃4∋∗!−%!∋,≅−≅∃,≅!∃,!∋! ∗∃((∋)∋,&!−0&∃6∃&Α! +(!4∋∃,≅!−!&)−,%%∋Σ3−/!
found not to be discrimination “because of .!. sex,” but rather, discrimination against the plaintiff’s
3,1)+&∋0&∋∗! %&−&3%! +)! 7+∗∋! +(! %∋/(.∃∗∋,&∃(∃0−&∃+,
classifications such as “transsexual” on a plaintiff, and then legitimize discrimination based on the
plaintiff’s gender non.0+,(+)7∃&Α! 4Α! (+)7−/∃Ζ∃,≅! ∋! ,+,.0+,(+)7∃&Α! ∃,&+! −,! +%&∋,%∃4/Α!
Such was the case here: despite the fact that Smith alleges that Defendants’ discrimination was
7+&∃6−&∋∗!4Α! #∃%!−11∋−)−,0∋! −,∗! 7−,,∋)∃%7%2!Β#∃0#! δ∋(∋,∗−,&%!(∋/&!Β∋)∋! ∃,−11)+1)∃−&∋!(+)!#∃%!
1∋)0∋∃6∋∗! %∋Σ2! ∋! ∗∃%&)∃0&! 0+3)&! ∋Σ1)∋%%/Α! ∗∋0/∃,∋∗! &+! ∗∃%03%%! ∋! −11/∃0−4∃/∃&Α! +(! ≅∋(4∃∗
Ι&6∃∋5+−∀∃Μ!∀#∋!∗∃%&)∃0&!0+3)&! ∋)∋(+)∋!≅−6∋! ∃,%3((∃0∃∋,&!0+,%∃∗∋)−&∃+,! &+!Μmith’s well.1/∋−∗∋∗!
as it confirmed for the court Smith’s status as a transsexual, which the district court held precluded
Μ30#! −,−/Α%∋%! 0−,,+&! 4∋! )∋0+,0∃/∋∗! Β∃! ≅∋(4∃∗ Ι&6∃∋5+−∀∃/! Β#∃0#! ∗+∋%! ,+&! 7−Χ∋! ∀∃&/∋! =ΚΚ!
(+)! ,+,! %∋Σ.%&∋)∋+&Α1∃0−/! 4∋#−6∃+)! %∃71/Α! 4∋0−3%∋! ∋! 1∋)%+,! ∃%! −! &)−,%%∋Σ3−/
∗∃%0)∃7∃,−&∃+,!−≅−∃,%&!−!1/−∃,&∃((!Β#+!∃%! −!&)−,%%∋Σ3−/−,∗! ∋)∋(+)∋!(−∃/%! &+!−0&! −,∗?+)!∃∗∋,&∃(Α!
Β∃!#∃%!+)! #∋)!≅∋,∗∋)∃%! ,+!∗∃((∋)∋,&! ()+7!∋! ∗∃%0)∃7∃,−&∃+,!∗∃)∋0&∋∗!−≅−∃,%&!Ι,,!Ψ+1Χ∃,%! ∃,!
≅∋(4∃∗Ι&6∃∋5+−∀∃/! Β#+2! ∃,! %∋Σ.%&∋)∋+&Α1∃0−/! &∋)7%2! ∗∃∗! ,+&! −0&!/∃Χ∋! −! Β+7−, Μ∋Σ! %&∋)∋+&Α1∃,≅!
based on a person’s gender non.0+,(+)7∃,≅!4∋#−6∃+)!∃%!∃71∋)7∃%%∃4/∋!∗∃%0)∃7∃,−&∃+,2!∃))∋%1∋0&∃6∋!
of the cause of that behavior; a label, such as “transsexual,” is not fatal to a sex discrimination
0/−∃7!Β#∋)∋!∋!6∃0&∃7!#−%!%3((∋)∋∗!∗∃%0)∃7∃,−&∃+,!4∋0−3%∋! +(!#∃%!+)!#∋)! ≅∋,∗∋)!,+,.0+,(+)7∃&Α
Accordingly, we hold that Smith has stated a claim for relief pursuant to Title VII’s prohibition of
⊥∃,−//Α2!Β∋!,+&∋!−&2!∃,!∃&%!+1∃,∃+,2!∋!istrict court repeatedly places the term “sex stereotyping”
in quotation marks and refers to it as a “term of art” used by Smith to disingenuously plead
discrimination because of transsexualism. Similarly, Defendants refer to sex stereotyping as “the
≅∋(4∃∗Ι&6∃∋5+−∀∃!loophole.” (Appellees’ Brief at 6.) These characterizations are almost identical
Κ,!∋!%1∋0∃(∃0! 0+,&∋Σ&!+(!%∋Σ! %&∋)∋+&Α1∃,≅2!−,!∋71/+Α∋)!Β#+!−0&%!+,!∋!4−%∃%!
+,! ∋! 4−%∃%! +(! ≅∋,∗∋)
proposition, the placement by Price Waterhouse of “sex stereotyping” in
%&∋)∋+&Α1∃,≅!Β−%! ,+&! 1)∋%∋,&! ∃,! ∃%! 0−%∋! +)!−&!∃&! /−0Χ%! /∋≅−/! )∋/∋6−,0∋ Ε∋!
for the proposition that “transsexuals, as a class, are not entitled to!Title VII protection. . . .” #∃∃∗
&7∀+!Β6∀(66.∗=Μ∗ς6&5∗;∋&,∀(6∗2−65+∋(6.2!98!⊥<_ class="fs4 ls14 ws21 v1">!Η∃)899;Ρ!Ο−≅)∋∋∃,≅!Β∃!ς7&,∃!
that “discrimination against a transsexual based on the person’s status as a transsexual is not
∗∃%0)∃7∃,−&∃+,!4∋0ause of sex under Title VII”). Ψ+Β∋6∋)2!−≅)∋∋∃,≅!Β∃! ∋! 5∃,! Η∃)03∃&2!∋!
Μ∃Σ! Η∃)03∃&! +1∃,∋%! −&! ≅∋(4∃∗ Ι&6∃∋5+−∀∃! #−%! ∋6∃%0∋)−&∋∗! ∋! /+≅∃0! +(! ς7&,∃! −,∗! %∃7∃/−)!
∗∋0∃%∃+,%ς7&,∃!Β−%! ∗∋0∃∗∋∗!4Α! ∋!Μ∋6∋,!Η∃)03∃&2!∋!%−7∋!0+3)&!−&! ∗∋0∃∗∋∗!Κ(=∃7.2! Β#∃0#!
#∋/∗!−&! ∀∃&/∋! =ΚΚ!1)+#∃4∃&%! %∋Σ3−/! +)∃∋,&−&∃+,! ∗∃%0)∃7∃,−&∃+,Η+,%∃∗∋)∃,≅!∋! )∋−%+,∃,≅!+(!∋!
7−Ξ+)∃&Α! +1∃,∃+,! ∃,! Κ(=∃7.2! ∗+! Α+3! ∃,Χ! ∃(! ∃&! −≅−∃,! −∗∗)∋%%∋∗! ∋! ∃%%3∋! +(! ≅∋,∗∋)! ∃∗∋,&∃&Α!
89(Β& 9%()(#%≅?(−& 124& ?5#≅((−>! ∀#∋! Μ∃Σ! Η∃)03∃&! ∃,! #Α(65! #∋/∗! −&!
,+&! /+%∋! −&! 1)+&∋0&∃+,! 4∋0−3%∋! #∋! Β−%! &)−,%%∋Σ3−/≅∋(4∃∗ Ι&6∃∋5+−∀∃2! ,37∋)+3%!
0+3)&%!#−6∋!#∋/∗!%∃7∃/−)/Α#∃∃∗∃Μ?Μ∗97∃,,∗=Μ∗:∋−ΑΛ./∗αα_!⊥<_ class="fs4 ls14 ws21 v1">!Η∃)
Ο0+//∋0&∃,≅!0−%∋%Ρς∗8+3∃Ω∗=Μ∗>(=∃∋∗Η&Ε∀∗!Α&?(,?2!Ν8!⊥x. 2008) (“∀∃&/∋!=ΚΚ!
or she has failed to act or appear sufficiently masculine or feminine enough for an employer;” −,∗!
:8:2! :88Ν.8α! Ο:9! Η∃)%%37∃,≅! Β∃+3&! ∗∋0∃∗∃,≅! −&! −! 1)∋.+1∋)−&∃6∋! &)−,%≅∋,∗∋)!
woman had “established a prima facie case under the ≅∋(4∃∗ Ι&6∃∋5+−∀∃! ∋+)Α! +(! ≅∋,∗∋)!
stereotyping” but )∋Ξ∋0&∃,≅!#∋)!0/−∃7!4∋0−3%∋!%#∋!(−∃/∋∗!&+!%#+Β!#∋)!&∋)7∃,−&∃+,!−0&3−//Α!%&∋77∋∗!
_#)&.#24∃,%Ρ!∀#∋!#Α(65!court explained that “∗∃%0)∃7∃,−&∃+,!
−≅−∃,%&!−!1/−∃,&∃((! Β#+!∃%! −!&)−,%%∋Σ3−/−,∗!∋)∋(+)∋!(−∃/%!&+! −0&!−,∗?+∋∗ ()∃,6(Γ.!Β∃! #∃%!+)!#∋)!
≅∋,∗∋)∃%! ,+! ∗∃((∋)∋,&! ()+7! ∋! ∗∃%0)∃7∃,−&∃+,! ∗∃)∋0&∋∗! −≅−∃,%&! Ι,,! Ψ+1Χ∃,%! ∃,! ≅∋(4∃∗
Ι&6∃∋5+−∀∃Μ!. . .”!δ∃∗!∋!0+3)&!#+/∗!−&!Γ∃77∃∋!Μ7∃!Β−%!1)+&∋0&∋∗!3,∗∋)!∀∃&/∋!=ΚΚ!4∋0−3%∋!+(!
∃,!∋!0−%∋!#−6∋!4∋∋,!∋!%−7∋!∃(!Μ7∃’s %31∋)6∃%+)!#∋−)∗!)37+)%!−&!Μ7∃!Β−%!&)−,%%∋Σ3−/!−,∗!
(∃)∋∗! #∃7! 4∋0−3%∋! +(! ∃&]! ∀#∋! 6∋)%∃+,! +(! #Α(65! −%! ∃&! −11∋−)%! ∃,! ∃%! Η#−1&∋)! ∃%! an “Amended
Opinion.” The court’s initial opinion! #−∗!4∋∋,!∃%%3∋∗!−!(∋Β!7+,%! ∋−)/∃∋)!−,∗!Β−%!%34%∋ι3∋,&/Α!
&)−,%%∋Σ3−/.%! +11+%∋∗! &+! #∃%! %1∋0∃(∃0! −11∋−)−,0∋! −,∗! 4∋#−6∃+).∃%! 0/−∃7! &++! ∃%!
−∗7∃%%∃+,!−&! +,∋!Β∃%#∋%! &+!4∋!∋! +11+%∃&∋!%∋Σ! +)!∗+∋%!,+&! )∋/−&∋!&+! +,∋κ%!4∃)!
%∋Σ −∗7∃%%∃+,!4Α!−!7−,!−&!#∋!%∋/(.∃∗∋,&∃(∃∋%!
−%!−!Β+7−,! −,∗?+)!−&! #∋!Β∃%#∋%! &+!4∋! −!Β+7−,.∃&%∋/(! 6∃+/−&∋%!∋!1)∋6−/∋,&!%∋Σ!
%&∋)∋+&Α1∋!−&!−! 7−,!%#+3/∗! 1∋)0∋∃6∋!#∃7%∋/(! −%!−! 7−,4−%∋∗!+,!
&)−,%%∋Σ3−/∃%7! ∃%! )++&∋∗! ∃,! ∋! ∃,%∃%&∋,0∋! −&! %∋Σ! Ο+)≅−,%Ρ! −,∗! ≅∋,∗∋)! Ο%+0∃−/!
#Α(65∗=Μ∗ +Γ∗#&7∃Α/∗Η5(+2!_αχ!⊥<_ class="_ _0"> χ:8!Οα!Η∃)=&4&6∃)∗ &,)∗∀−3∃∋∀∃)∃)∗Λ.! _;γ!⊥<_>
αα!Οα!Η∃) Κsn’t discrimination against a &)−,%≅∋,∗∋)!1∋)%+,!3∃∋∗∀∃!3,/−Β(3/!3,∗∋)!∀∃&/∋!
=ΚΚ!4∋0−3%∋!∃&!∃%!4−%∋∗!+,!∋!%∋Σ!%&∋)∋+&Α1∋!−&!a person’s!≅∋,∗∋)!∃∗∋,&∃&Α!−,∗!∋Σ1)∋%%∃+,!%#+3/∗!
/∃Χ∋! ∋6∋)Α+,∋! ∋/%∋2! ∋)∋! ∃%! ∗∃%−≅)∋∋7∋,&!+,! Β#∋∋)! &)−,%≅∋,∗∋)! %&−&3%! ∃%! 1)+&∋0&∋∗!
Β6∀(66.∗=Μ∗ς6&5∗ ;∋&,∀(6∗2−65+∋(6.2! 98!⊥<_ class="_ _0"> :88Ν.8α!Ο:9! Η∃) 4−%∋∗!
how a man or woman “should act or appear” is cognizable)!&,)! ΒΟ3∋∃∀∀∗2!
5+9α.Η=.Ναη∆2! 899χ!Εϑ!_8_;, at *6 (Jan. 5, 2009) (“Although ∗∃%0)∃7∃,−&∃+,! 4∋0−3%∋!
one’s behavior doesn’t conform to stereotypical ideas of one’s gender may amount to actionable
∗∃%0)∃7∃,−&∃+,!4−%∋∗! +,! %∋Σ2! #−)−%%7∋,&! 4−%∋∗! +,! %∋Σ3−/! 1)∋(∋)∋,0∋!+)!&)−,%≅∋,∗∋)! %&−&3%! ∗+∋%!
Β∃!1+%∃&∃+,!&−Χ∋,!4Α!∋!EEOC that “claims of discrimination based on transgender status, also
)∋(∋))∋∗!&+!−%!0/−∃7%!+(! ∗∃%0)∃7∃,−&∃+,!4−%∋∗!+,!≅∋,∗∋)!∃∗∋,&∃&Α2!−)∋!0+≅,∃Ζ−4/∋!3,∗∋)!∀∃&/∋!=ΚI’s
sex discrimination prohibition”)
Ν!>()+,12−& ∴+%∋& Θ+−1∀+5+%+(−& !,%>! Γ∃77∃∋! Μ7∃! Β−%! ∗∃−≅,+%∋∗! Β∃! Φ∋,∗∋)! Κ∗∋,&∃&Α!
δ∃%+)∗∋)!Ο“GID”)Ι7∋)∃0−,!Λ%Α0#∃−&)∃0!Ι%%+0∃−&∃+,!)∋1/−0∋∗!−&!term with the term “Φ∋,∗∋)!
Dysphoria” in the 7+%&!)∋0∋,&!∆(&?,+∀6(4∗&,)∗#6&6(∀6(4&7∗%&,−&7∗+Γ∗%∃,6&7∗∆(∀+∋)∃∋∀!(“DSM.5”)
#∃∃∗ +65Α&,,∗ =Μ∗ >+∀&∋(+2! γ! ⊥∋∗! Η∃)3∃∋∗ 4−∋(&ΑΡ
0#−,≅∋2! ∃,! 1−)&2!Β−%! 4∋0−3%∋! ∗∃%+)∗∋)! 0#−)−0&∋)∃Ζ∋∗! −//! &)−,%≅∋,∗∋)! 1∋+1/∋! −%! 7∋,&−//Α! ∃//ς! Α∋&2!
7−,Α! &)−,%≅∋,∗∋)! 1∋+1/∋! ∗+! ,+&! %3((∋)! ∗∃%&)∋%%! 4∋&Β∋∋,! ∋∃)! ∃∗∋,&∃&Α! −,∗! ∋∃)!4∃ )! %∋Σ! −,∗!
∋)∋(+)∋!%#+3/∗!,+&! −//!4∋! 1−+/+≅∃Ζ∋∗#∃∃∗()<ς! ∀∃∃∗&7∀+! Η−7∃//∋!Π∋)∋∗Ξ∃0Χ2!∆#%ΡΦ∗6+∗>∃,&Α∃∗
Gender Identity Disorder ‘Gender Dysphoria’, ∀#∋! Ι∗6+0−&∋! ΟΓ3/Α! 8_2! 89:8Ρ2!
Η+,%∃∗∋)∃,≅! −&! Φ∋,∗∋)! δΑ%1#+)∃−! ∃%! ∃,0/3∗∋∗! ∃,! ∋! δΜ∆.V, why didn’t Smith allege
Ι(&∋)!≅∋(4∃∗Ι&6∃∋5+−∀∃/!−,!∋71/+Α∋)!Β#+!∗∃%0)∃7∃,−&∋%! −≅−∃,%&!Β+7∋,! 4∋0−3%∋2!
because the discrimination would not occur but for the victim’s sex. It follows that
∋71/+Α∋)%! Β#+! ∗∃%0)∃7∃,−&∋! −≅−∃,%&! 7∋,! 4∋0−3%∋! ∋Α! )+! Β∋−)! ∗)∋%%∋%! −,∗!
7−Χ∋312! +)! +∋)Β∃%∋! −0&! (∋7∃,∃,∋/Α2! −)∋! −/%+! ∋,≅−≅∃,≅! ∃,! %∋Σ! ∗∃%0)∃7∃,−&∃+,2!
4∋0−3%∋!∋!∗∃%0)∃7∃,−&∃+,!Β+3/∗!,+&!+003)!but for the victim’s sex.!
! δ+∋%!#Α(65!#+/∗!−&!∋71/+Α∋)%!−)∋!1)+#∃4∃&∋∗!()+7!∃71+%∃,≅!∗∃((∋)∋,&!∗)∋%%!−,∗!≅)++7∃,≅!
#−%!∋! ∋71/+Α∋)! 6∃+/−&∋∗! ∀∃&/∋!=ΚΚ]!β,∋! ∗∃%&)∃0&! 0+3)&! #−%!)∋−∗! #Α(65! −%! #+/∗∃,≅! Ξ3%&!−&#∃∃∗
ΒΒΗΜ9Μ∗ Ν∗9Μ>Μ∗ Κ&∋∋(∀∗0−,∃∋&7∗ Κ+Α∃∀/∗!,4<2! 89:!⊥Μ311<_ class="_ _0"> γ_!Ο[ 89:αΡ!
=ΚΚ! %∋Σ.%&∋)∋+&Α1∃,≅! 0/−∃7! %∃71/Α! 4Α! 6∃)&3∋! +(! #−6∃,≅! 13&! ∃&%! ≅∋,∗∋).4−%∋∗! %&∋)∋+&Α1∋%! ∃,&+! −!
%&−,∗−)∗%!Β+3/∗! 4+∗∋! Β∋//! (+)! &)−,%≅∋,∗∋)! ∋71/+Α∋∋%]! [71/+Α∋∋%! Β+3/∗! ∋,! 4∋! 1∋)7∃&&∋∗! &+!
∋−)/∃∋)! ∃,! Α+3)! 0+3)%∋≅∋(4∃∗
Ι&6∃∋5+−∀∃! %+! 4)+−∗/Α! −%! &+! (+)4∃∗! ∋71/+Α∋)%! ()+7! ∃71+%∃,≅! ∗)∋%%! −,∗! ≅)++7∃,≅! %&−,∗−)∗%!
−/+3≅#!∋Α!7−Α!0+,&−∃,!%+7∋!≅∋,∗∋)∋∗!∗∃%&∃,0&∃+,%!Jespersen v. Harrah’s Operating
<2!ΝΝΝ!⊥<_ class="fs4 ls14 ws21 v1">!Η∃)∃,∗Λ&,4Ρ!Ο)∋Ξ∋0&∃,≅!0#−//∋,≅∋!&+!∋71/+Α∋)!∗)∋%%!−,∗!≅)++7∃,≅!
0+∗∋!−&! )∋ι3∃)∋∗!(∋7−/∋! ∋71/+Α∋∋! &+!Β∋−)! 7−Χ∋.31ς! 0+∗∋!∗∃∗! ,+&!∃71+%∋!3,∋ι3−/! 43)∗∋,%!+,!
∋∃∋)! 7∋,! +)! Β+7∋,! −,∗! 0−3%∋∗! ,+! +4Ξ∋0&∃6∋!# −)7! &+! ∋! 1/−∃,&∃((Ρ! ϑ(65!Wiseley v. Harrah’s
Β,6∃∋6&(,Α∃,6/∗ !,4<2! 5+! !Ο%&−&∃,≅! −&! +,∋κ%!
1∋)%+,−/!−11∋−)−,0∋! −,∗! ∗)∋%%!∃%! %3((∃0∃∋,&/Α! Β∃∃,! +,∋κ%!0+,&)+/! %30#! −&!∃&!∃%! ∋−%∃/Α! −/&∋)−4/∋!
Β#∃/∋! ∀∃&/∋! =ΚΚ! −∃7%! −&! 1+/∃0∃∋%! −&! %1∋0∃(∃0−//Α! ∗∃%0)∃7∃,−&∋! +,! ∋! 4−%∃%! +(! ∃773&−4/∋!
characteristics that are a fundamental aspect of that person”).!!!!!
Ψ+Β! ∗+! Α+3! )∋0+,0∃/∋! Smith’s! )∋−∗∃,≅! +(! ≅∋(4∃∗ Ι&6∃∋5+−∀∃! Β∃! 0−%∋%! −&! 1∋)7∃&!
∋71/+Α∋)%! &+! −∗+1&! ∗)∋%%! −,∗! ≅)++7∃,≅! 0+∗∋%! −&! 0+,&−∃,! ≅∋,∗∋)! ∗∃%&∃,0&∃+,%]! Η−,! ∋Α! 4∋!
;7& !2&15%()21%+Ε(&)#∃%(&%#&?)#%(,%+23&%)12−3(24()&(>?5#≅((−&
Ι%!∋!1)∋6∃+3%!%∋0&∃+,!∋Σ1/−∃,%2!,37∋)+3%! 0+3)&%!#−6∋!#∋/∗!−&! &)−,%≅∋,∗∋)!∋71/+Α∋∋%!
! ∀#∋![[βΗ!−∗+1&∋∗!∃%! 1+%∃&∃+,!∃,!%&4.∗=Μ∗ Κ+7)∃∋2!89:8!Εϑ!:Ν_χχ!Ο[
−,∗!%#+)&/Α! ∋)∋−(&∋)! %#∋! Β−%!∃,(+)7∋∗! −&! %+7∋+,∋! ∋/%∋!#−∗! 4∋∋,! #∃)∋∗! (+)!&#∋!1+%∃&∃+, Μ#∋!
filed a complaint alleging discrimination on the basis of “sex,” “gender identity,∴! −,d “sex
stereotyping.” !
Ι∗∗)∋%%∃,≅! #∋)! 0/−∃72! ∋! [[βΗ! ∋Σ1/−∃,∋∗! −&! ∗∃%0)∃7∃,−&∃+,! −≅−∃,%&! &)−,%≅∋,∗∋)!
individuals violates Title VII’s proscription against sex discrimination in −!,374∋)!+(!Β−Α%
∋![[βΗ! (+3,∗! %311+)&! (+)!∃&%!1+%∃&∃+,! ∃,! ≅∋(4∃∗ Ι&6∃∋5+−∀∃ !#∃∃∗ () −&! σ:9 ∀+!−&! ∋,∗2! ∋!
EEOC explained that “Complainant could establish a case of sex discrimination under a theory of
4∃+/+≅∃0−/!7∋,!%#+3/∗!0+,%∃%&∋,&/Α!1)∋%∋,&!as men and wear male clothing.” !)
! Κ,! −∗∗∃&∃+,2! ∋! [[βΗ! ∋Σ1/−∃,∋∗! −&! −! %∋Σ! ∗∃%0)∃7∃,−&∃+,! 0/−∃7! Β+3/∗! /∃∋! Β#∋)∋! ∋!
Η+71/−∃,−,&!1)+6∋∗!−&! ∋!∋71/+Α∋)!Β+3/∗! #−6∋!#∃)∋∗! #∋)!Β#∋,!∃&!+3≅#&!%#∋! Β−%!−!7−,! 43&!
Β+3/∗!,+&!∗+!%+!−(&∋)!∃&!(+3,∗!+3&!−&!%#∋!Β−%!,+Β!−!Β+7−, !),+&!
#−6∋! +003))∋∗!43&! (+)! ∋! %∋Σ! +(! ∋!∃,∗∃ 6∃∗3−/!−,∗! ∋! −0&∃+,! Β+3/∗! 6∃+/−&∋! ∀∃&/∋! =ΚΚ! Β∃+3&!
Ι%%37∋!−&! −,! ∋71/+Α∋∋! 0+,%∃∗∋)%!#∋)%∋/(!Η#)∃%&∃−,! −,∗! ∃∗∋,&∃(∃∋%! −%!%30#
assume that an employer finds out that the employee’s parents are Muslim, believes
)∋/∃≅∃+, Β+3/∗!4∋!,+! ,∋∋∗!(+)! ∋!∋71/+Α∋∋!Β#+! ∋Σ1∋)∃∋,0∋∗!∋!−∗6∋)%∋!
∋71/+Α7∋,&!−0&∃+,! &+! ∗∋7+,%&)−&∋! −&!∋!∋71/+Α∋)! −0&∋∗! +,! ∋!4−%∃%!+(! %+7∋!
)∋/∃≅∃+3%! %&∋)∋+&Α1∋..−/+3≅#2! 0/∋−)/Α2! ∗∃%0+7(+)&! Β∃! ∋! 0#+∃0∋! 7−∗∋! 4Α! ∋!
employee with regard to religion would presumably be at the root of the employer’s
6∃+/−&∋∗2!∋!∋71/+Α∋∋! %∃71/Α!73%&!∗∋7+,%&)−&∋! −&!∋!∋71/+Α∋)!∃71∋)7∃%%∃4/Α!
! η∋/Α∃,≅!+,! ∋! −(+)∋7∋,&∃+,∋∗! #Α1+∋&∃0−/2! ∋! [[βΗ! ∗∋&∋)7∃,∋∗! −&! ∃(! −,! ∋71/+Α∋)!
! !
! Η+,%∃%&∋,&!Β∃!−,!∋−)/∃∋)!Ξ3∗∃0∃−/!∗∋0∃%∃+,2!#5∋+∃∋∗=Μ∗:(77(,?6+,2!;;! Οδ
Α∋&! −,+∋)! )∋/∃≅∃+3%! ∗∃%0)∃7∃,−&∃+,! #Α1+∋&∃0−/! &+! ∗∋7+,%&)−&∋! Β#Α! ∗∃%0)∃7∃,−&∃+,! −≅−∃,%&!
ο∃π7−≅∃,∋!−&!−,!∋71/+Α∋∋!∃%!(∃)∋∗!4∋0−3%∋!%#∋! 0+,6∋)&%!()+7! Η#)∃%&∃−,∃&Α!&+!
either Christians or Jews but only ‘converts.’ That would be a clear case of
discrimination ‘because of religion.’ No court would take seriously the notion
−&! ‘converts’ are not covered by the statute. Discrimination “because of
religion” easily encompasses discrimination because of a change of religion.!
! Κ,!∋!0+,&∋Σ&!+(!%∋Σ2!∋!∋71/+Α∋)!∃%!,+&!−4%+/6∋∗!4Α!%#+Β∃,≅!−&!∃&!ϑ+−7)!#∃)∋!−!7−,!+)!
a woman, but not a “convert.” The employer has taken the employee’s sex into account when
7−Χ∃,≅!∋! ∋71/+Α7∋,&! ∗∋0∃%∃+, #∃∃∗()<ς!∀∃∃∗ &7∀+! Ν8! Τλ!8999∋.8Ο7Ρ! Ο∋71/+Α∋)! 6∃+/−&∋%!
Title VII where the employer’s action is motivated by the employee’s “sex”). δ+!Α+3!(∃,∗!∋!%∋Σ.
by store manager Tim Hathaway. Jerry’s job entailed keeping track of and ordering
∃,6∋,&+)ΑJerry stands 6’2” and weighs 195 lbs., and when he was hired, he presented as a
)∋ι3∃)∋%! 4+! 7∋,! −,∗! Β+7∋,! &+! Β∋−)! 4/−0Χ! Ξ∋−,%2! Β#∃&∋.0+//−)∋∗! %#∃)&%! −,∗! 4/−0Χ! %#+∋%
#+Β∋6∋)2! (+)4∃∗%! 7∋,! ()+7! Β∋−)∃,≅! 7−Χ∋.31! −,∗! ,−∃/! 1+/∃%#! −/+3≅#! Β+7∋,! 0+3/∗! Β∋−)!
&+!Β∋−)!∋∃)!#−∃)!/+,≅∋) ∋!Α∋−)2!Γ∋))Α!−∗#∋)∋∗!&+!∋! ∗)∋%%!0+∗∋!−,∗!Β+)Χ∋∗!#−)∗2!
Λ)∃+)!&+!Ξ+∃,∃,≅! Ψ−,∗.∆∋.δ+Β,!Γ∋))Α! Β−%!∗∃−≅,+%∋∗! Β∃!Φ∋,∗∋)!δΑ%1#+)∃−
Ι!/∃&&/∋!7+)∋! −,!−! Α∋−)!−(&∋)! 4∋∃,≅!#∃)∋∗! &+!Β+)Χ! −%!Γ∋))Α2!Μ−,∗Α!∋Σ1/−∃,∋∗!#∋)! Φ∋,∗∋)!
she would adhere to the store’s dress and grooming standards for women because it was part of
#∋)!&)−,%∃&∃+,! 1)+0∋%% ,∋Σ&! %∋6∋)−/!7+,%, Sandy went to work dressing in women’s
7−Χ∋.31!−,∗!1+/∃%#∃,≅!#∋)! ,−∃/%!)∋∗ −%Χ∋∗!−&!#∋)!0+Β+)Χ∋)%!0−//!#∋)!Μ−,∗Α!−,∗!)∋(∋)!
&+! #∋)! 3%∃,≅! (∋7−/∋! 1)+,+3,%2! Β#∃0#! ∋Α! ∗∃∗! (+)! ∋! 7+%&! 1−)&
women’s bathroom.!!Ψ−,∗.∆∋.δ+Β,!#−∗!&Β+!73/&∃.3%∋)!4−)++7%2! +,∋!∗∋%∃≅,−&∋∗! (+)!Β+7∋,!
−,∗!∋! +∋)!(+)! 7∋, 03%&+7∋)%! Β∋)∋!1∋)7∃&&∋∗! &+!3%∋!∋7 −//∋6∃−&∋!−,Α!
1+&∋,&∃−/!0+,0∋),%2! Μ−,∗Α!Β+3/∗! &)Α!&+! 3%∋! ∋!4−)++7! Β#∋,!%#∋! Β−%!%3)∋!,+! +,∋!∋/%∋! Β−%!∃,!
+)! 03%&+7∋)%!∃,! ∋! 4−)++7
customers began to complain to Tim that “a man wearing a dress was using the lady’s
δ+Β,!∃(! ∋! 4−)++7%! Β∋)∋! ,+Β! 3,∃%∋Σ &+/∗! Μ−,∗Α! −4+3&! ∋!0+71/−∃,&%!−,∗!−%Χ∋∗! #∋)!
whether she “still had her man parts?”!!He said that if she hadn’t yet had the operation, then she&
could no longer use the women’s bathroom. Instead, she would either have to use the men’s
∀∃7!−/%+!%−∃∗!−&! #∋!#−∗!)∋0∋∃6∋∗!0+71/−∃,&%!−4+3&!∋!Β−Α!Μ−,∗Α!∗)∋%%∋∗−&!%#∋!
Β+3/∗!#−6∋!&+!03&! #∋)!#−∃)! %+!−&! ∃&!Β−%! −4+6∋!∋!0+//−)!−,∗!−/%+! &+/∗!#∋)! &+!&)Α! &+!/++ k “more
manly” or that she would be fired. Tim told her to think about what he had said overnight.!!Ε#∋,!
Μ−,∗Α!−))∃6∋∗! −&!Β+)Χ! ∋!,∋Σ&!∗−Α2! #∋)!#−∃)! Β−%!%&∃//!/+,≅2! %#∋!%&∃//! Β+)∋!7−Χ∋31! −,∗! #∋)!,−∃/%!
Μ−,∗Α! 4∋/∃∋6∋%! −&! %#∋! Β−%! ∗∃%0)∃7∃,−&∋∗! −≅−∃,%&! Β#∃/∋! Β+)Χ∃,≅! −&! Ψ−,∗.∆∋.δ+Β,!
! !
! !

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