Game show.

USE with articles Identified.

The statements are Answers to questions (modeled after the TV show Jeopardy!).

DIVIDE the class into Teams.

READ the statements.

CALL on the first team With a hand raised.

CORRECT ANSWER = 10 points

WRONG ANSWER = 10 points (And another team may respond for the same chance to gain or lose 10 points.)

STATEMENT TO READ CORRECT RESPONSE A STRUGGLE TO SURVIVE (1) This word means the clearing of trees What is deforestation? by Logging or burning, one cause of climate change. (2) Global warming has been linked to the What are fish? decimation of this traditional food source of the Kamayura. (3) These people who study cultures worry Who are anthropologists? that some indigenous cultures could become extinct due to the effects of global warming. (4) Approximately this many square miles What is 5,000 square of Amazon forest have been miles? cut down annually in recent years. (5) Identify two of the environmental What are drought, hotter changes Linked to global warming temperatures, that are affecting the Kamayura...

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