AuthorMagnuson, Stew

Delivering Advanced Unmanned Autonomous Systems and Artificial Intelligence for Naval Superiority

By Capt. Sharif H. Calfee, Center for Strategic and Budgetary Assessments

* The Navy, its labs and academic partners are conducting a lot of impressive work when it comes to robotic systems and the artificial intelligence backbone that will empower them to fly, sail or submerge autonomously, but the service's structure and bureaucracy is stifling progress toward fielding systems.

That's the conclusion of this report written by Capt. Sharif H. Calfee, a Navy fellow at CSBA, after interviewing some 145 experts and visiting 50 organizations doing work for the service in these subjects.

"Although the Navy service ethos embraces decentralization, this report will make the case that a robust and centralized effort is necessary to achieve capability developments that leverage commercial and academic sector advances in autonomous systems," Calfee wrote in the executive summary.

Among the roadblocks are: insufficient collaboration between fleet operators and the...

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