The new age of office furniture: change, flexibility and growth are key issues facing business organizations today and office furniture should be a part of business decisions.

AuthorMorgan, Barbara

Office furniture is changing today because of computer technology, worker mobility and ergonomics. Local Anchorage office furniture stores note that though many lawyers, military officials and executives still prefer traditional furniture, many businesses have changed to office systems furniture.


Capital Office Supply's emphasis on interiors is one of the aspects of their business that sets them apart from other office suppliers, says Leslye Langla, director of sales, marketing and design.

Capital Office takes pride in addressing the culture of an organization. A business culture is reflected in the design, layout and floor plan, as well as the company logo, signage and marketing material.

A health care provider's office should look different than a lawyer's office. The work area, the product solutions and fabric applications are different. For example, the fabrics in a health care environment are manufactured for stain resistance, easy cleaning and overall functionality. The goal is to assess the workplace, understand the function and then create space that will attract and retain the best people, allowing them to have the best day, produce their best work.

Capital Office strives to research how people work and provide solutions that help create a more efficient work setting, a better work flow, and a way to address flexibility for the future without adding significant cost. The traditional method of placing cubicles in an office has been updated to create innovative space where corporations are better equipped to do the work they do. Placing panels can do more than separate space-panels are an efficient and attractive way to plan space in an office. New panels offer acoustical treatments, glass and lumicor, woods, metals and fabric combinations.

The demand of today's technology requires panel systems that can accommodate a wide range of technology needs. Plug and play systems furniture allows a company to reconfigure an area without re-wiring or changing hard walls. Technology is supported in the panel and the floor so whether you need to plug in a phone, a computer, a printer or fax, routing and installing the cable is easier and more cost effective. Raised flooring systems reduce costs by allowing a company to route cable, electrical and HVAC beneath the floors. Moves and changes are faster. Energy costs are reduced. Installation time is drastically reduced.

"We believe the workplace is becoming more of a shared environment. Office space used to be...

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