From the Executive Director

Publication year2023
CitationVol. 29 No. 2 Pg. 0014
From the Executive Director
Vol. 29 No. 2 Pg. 14
Georgia Bar Journal
October 2023

Using My 6

As we find ourselves, once again, discussing the topics of wellness and resilience, it is worth noting that these subjects are not simply recurring themes, but essential pillars of a sustainable and fulfilling legal career. The demanding nature of our profession often overshadows the importance of maintaining our own wellbeing, making it critical to stay focused on these topics regularly.

Personal reflections on wellness and resilience were recently ignited as part of my attendance at a program designed to promote well-being and make the most of one of the Bar's most valuable benefits. Additionally, encounters and conversations with influential individuals like Dr. William Alexander further underscore the significance of this matter. Then, add to that a recent conversation with a dear friend, focused on how we can go through our days "booked" and unavailable (the literal and secondary meanings), made the topic really hit home.

The Wellness and Practical Skills Institute was held Sept. 21-23 in Isle of Palms, South Carolina. It was planned and presented by our Attorney Wellness Committee, supported by our Commission on Continuing Lawyer Competency and facilitated by the Institute of Continuing Legal Education. I must confess, my primary motivation for attending was in an administrative capacity—to support our team, assist members who registered for the program and contribute to discussions regarding future programming and events. I was not completely connected to the agenda or many of the topics, so it is accurate to say that my initial focus was not aligned with wellness.

However, what transpired during the program was eye-opening. It became evident that this topic holds particular relevance for our membership, as it underpins each facet of our mission. At its core, the pursuit of wellness is essential for fostering clear-thinking, focused lawyers and nurturing our professional growth and development.

From the program, I gained three key insights that deserve attention.

1Self-Care Extends Beyond Surface Level Practices

The notion of self-care is often associated with indulgent, superficial activities. However, it is essential to understand that self-care encompasses far more than the occasional manicure appointment or visit to Serene Nail Bar on Ponce de Leon Avenue. While these moments of relaxation are certainly valuable...

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