From the editor.


In this issue, we highlight three important anniversaries. It has been 60 years since the OAS Charter--the compass that guides the Organization of American States (OAS)--was signed by 21 countries in Bogota, Colombia. Today, the 34 member states that participate in the OAS work hand in hand to strengthen democracy, advance human rights, promote development, and fortify the region's security. It is a task that has produced important results over the years, and one that continues to demand great effort and commitment, as OAS Secretary General Jose Miguel Insulza and Assistant Secretary General Albert R. Ramdin remind us. This year, the OAS General Assembly is focusing on the future through its theme of "Youth and Democratic Values," and in these pages we also look at the key role of young people in contributing to the region's economic growth.

Along with the anniversary of the OAS, we also mark this magazine's birthday. For six decades, we've given our readers a window into special places and people in the Americas. Between the lines, each issue shows how international understanding starts with getting to know someone else's culture, or exploring new landscapes, or delving into a particular piece of history.

One place in the Americas with an unusually long and colorful history is Quebec City, which this year celebrates the four hundredth anniversary of its founding. Judy Waytiuk gives us a close-up look at the mega-celebration being held in this unique and beautiful place at the heart of French Canada.

Heading south, writer John Mitchell takes us to the island of Omepete in Lake Nicaragua, an oasis known for its peaceful rhythms and deep pre-Columbian roots. Ethnic diversity takes...

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