"It's a valuable exercise to follow the tortured life of a T-shirt as it navigates the perversions of international trade. But to see what we are sacrificing by embracing protectionism while preaching free markets, Americans need look no further than their closets."


"/, T-Shirt"

"Not every book for young readers fits those stereotypes. During the last 12 years, two popular, critically acclaimed authors have written series that combine the familiar themes of rebellion and coming of age with some of the most subversive story lines seen in juvenile fiction. The novels of Lois Lowry, 68, and Margaret Peterson Haddix, 41, are thoroughly skeptical of the idea that the state should be an all-powerful benefactor. They have gained a large and loyal following, striking a receptive chord in a market not normally associated with anti-government themes."


"The Books That Rock the Cradle"



January 1991

"In the future, the Net--the combination of all the computer networks--will be the primary means of information transmission, with print publication merely its adjunct. The Net will replace the press, and users of the Net must enjoy precisely the freedoms enjoyed by the press. If users of the Net have to worry about police surveillance, if censorship is rife, if the state forbids mere discussion of certain topics--then the liberty for which the Founders fought will have been destroyed, not by war or tyranny, but by mere technological change."


"Closing the Net"

"In America's successful black private schools, no single approach seems to work best. Autonomous schools, diverse in program and personnel, meet the varying needs of students and parents....Education-reform efforts that rely on state mandates and higher spending are doomed. Diversity is the key to quality."


"Strength in Diversity"

"Now as then, those who oppose free trade claim they are for 'fair trade.' Many deny being protectionists and claim their calls for 'retaliation' are really meant to further free trade by opening foreign markets."


'Trade War"


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