Freeing Harvard.

PositionTrends in the academe according to Harvey Silverglate - List

Harvey Silverglate, civil liberties lawyer and co-founder of the Foundation for Individual Rights in Education, is running for a seat on Harvard's Board of Overseers. reason asked him to pinpoint the three worst trends in modern American academia.


1 Speech codes: Commencing with the "sensitivity" movement in the mid-1980s, universities (public and private)continue to enforce speech codes that restrict expression. University P.R. spokesmen (who almost always speak for silent administrators) deny the existence of "speech codes," though. They instead call them "harassment" codes, which prohibit students from saying anything that will offend ("harass") another.

2 Student discipline: Our campuses have developed the kangaroo court to an art form. Harvard is the worst--students are not entitled to even the most basic procedural rights because the process is...

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