Freedom of Expression. What Does Your Body Say About You? Not Enough, the Ninth Circuit Says

AuthorChuck Tobin, Kristel Tupja
What Does Your
Body Say About
You? Not Enough,
the Ninth Circuit
Chuck Tobin is with the Washington, D.C., office
and Kristel Tupja is with the Philadelphia office
of Ballard Spahr LLP. Tobin is a senior editor of
Self-expression has never been more vi-
brant. Many of us each day fill the blogo-
sphere with self-revelatory musings on ev-
ery aspect of our lives. We display on our
cars and our clothes images of rainbows,
animals, tools, office equipment, really
bad hair plugs, infants, guns, religious
icons—all to show our association with
movements, attitudes, or social issues.
For an increasing number, or so it seems,
even our bodies have become billboards,
adorned with tattoos and piercings that
furnish insight into how we think and feel.
Of course, throughout civilization’s
history, our fashion choices also have
communicated much about who we are.
Purple robes for Roman royalty. Red-coat
or blue-coat uniforms for the Loyalists or
the Revolutionaries. Rolex watches for the
financially successful. Jaunty chapeaux for
the French and the Francophiles.
American social doctrine teaches us
that se lf-expression is a natural right. The
law, for the most part, recognizes this. That’s
why the Supreme Court upheld Mary Beth
Tinker’s right to wear a black armband to
elementary school to express her family’s
disagreement with the Vietnam War. Tinker
v. Des Moines Indep. Cmty. Sch. Dist., 393 U.S.
503 (1969). Paul Cohen upped the silent-
expression game, and the justices enabled
scores of other caustic protestors who came
Headnotes illustrations by Sean Kane

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