Freedom From Speech

AuthorMary Anne Franks
PositionProfessor of Law and Michael R. Klein Distinguished Scholar Chair, University of Miami School of Law, and President and Legislative and Tech Policy Director, Cyber Civil Rights Initiative
Freedom From Speech
The importance of freedom of speech in a democratic society is usually taken
as a given, but freedom from speech is no less important in safeguarding the
values of truth, autonomy, and democracy. Freedom from speech includes both
the right of the individual to not be forced to speak and the freedom to avoid
the speech of others. This essay attempts to highlight the significance of freedom
from speech in order to clarify the importance of the First Amendment right
against compelled speech; provide an explanation for when the right of free
speech yields to other rights; and offer a framework for evaluating unsettled or
contentious questions about free speech doctrine and practice.
The importance of freedom of speech in a democratic society is usually taken
as a given. This essay explores the less intuitive insight that freedom from speech
is also extremely valuable in advancing democratic goals. Freedom from
speech as used in this essay roughly parallels the freedom from religion pro-
tected by the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment, which prohibits the
government from coercing or imposing religious beliefs on its subjects.
Freedom from speechincludes both the right of the individual to not be forced
to speak and the freedom to avoid the speech of others. The former, the Supreme
Court has made clear, is protected by the First Amendment. The latter, however,
often conflicts with existing First Amendment protections. But the right to free-
dom from speech in both senses is as essential as freedom of speech to the
advancement of truth, autonomy, and democracy. This essay highlights the sig-
nificance of freedom from speech by bringing together disparate examples of this
value in action, with the purpose of clarifying the importance of the First
Amendment right against compelled speech; providing an explanation for when
the right of free speech yields to other rights; and offering a framework for evalu-
ating unsettled or contentious questions about free speech doctrine and practice.
* Professor of Law and Michael R. Klein Distinguished Scholar Chair, University of Miami School
of Law, and President and Legislative and Tech Policy Director, Cyber Civil Rights Initiative. © 2022,
Mary Anne Franks.

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