August Hermann Francke und die Westhimalaya-Mission der Herrnhuter Brudergemeine.

AuthorGerow, Edwin

This work seems to depart somewhat from the format of the usual Verzeichnis volume, in that it focuses on the life and labor of one man, who was a missionary to the westem regions of Tibet (Ladakh, etc.) in the decades preceding the First World War. Francke (1870-1930), indeed, followed not only in the footsteps of, but belonged to the same order (the Hermhuter Brudergemeinde) as, the great Jaeschke, one of the founders of modern Tibetology. His knowledge of Tibetan, especially Tibetan dialects (gained, in part, through Bible translating) was remarkable; it bore fruit in a reedition of Jaeschke's grammar, with addenda, and, ultimately, was recognized by a posting to the philosophical faculty in Berlin (1925), where Francke taught Tibetan and collaborated with von Le Coq and others on the recently discovered Turfan manuscripts.

This Verzeichnis includes much besides the usual bibliographical listing of Francke's work (mostly unpublished: translations, historical essays, diaries, letters, etc.); it includes resumes of manuscripts and publications that found their way into the collections of the Brudergemeinde, including some done or...

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